Although I will be in Cuba on December 6, I am hoping that you will attend and participate in the Richmond Rotary Auction on December 6, 2013. This is the Rotary Club’s big annual fundraiser for all of its Richmond projects for the year. This is a very popular and fun occasion and my favorite Rotary event of the year. This event raises the money we donate to local schools and community organizations. Your contributions add to our bottom line: it’s money but it’s more. We support dozens of local organizations that make Richmond a good place to live. So join the band: if you have yet to make your donation, do it today
For the auction, I have donated an overnight Dinner, Bed and Breakfast at East Brother Lighthouse. We will have a number of terrific items up for Silent and Live Auction. We are still loading items to be auctioned, but if you want to go to the website and check out what we currently have please go to
When you check in, identify yourself as my guest, and I will pay for your $20 lunch.
Tom Butt
Richmond City Councilman
117 Park Place
Richmond, CA 94801
Phone: 510.236.7435
Mobile: 510-220-1577
Fax: 510.232.5325
Tom Butt Political Website:
Board of Directors, Past Chair, Local Government Commission
League of California Cities Environmental Quality Policy Committee
Alternate, Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
Alternate, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)
West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee (WCCTAC) City of Richmond Representative
Contra Costa Transportation Authority Commissioner
Marin Energy Authority Board Richmond Representative
East Bay Regional Park District Liaison Committee Richmond Representative
City Council Liaison to Design Review Board and Historic Preservation Commission
City Council Ad-hoc Committee for Chevron Energy Renewal Project