Looking for a few good volunteers for our October paint-up, fix-up day at East Brother Lighthouse. Looks like good weather, clear, sunny and 70 degrees.
We will be repairing fences, painting, transporting firewood to the island, washing windows, some landscaping and some equipment repair. You can email me if you can commit to come, tom.butt@intres.com. We meet at 9:00 AM at the Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor and will come back about 3:30 PM. Lunch will be provided. For directions, see http://www.ebls.org/map-a-directions.html.
Whether you come or not this saturday, if you are interested in volunteering some time, please sign up at http://www.ebls.org/volunteering.html, and you will be notified with an evite monthly.

Tom Butt, President
East Brother Light Station, Inc.
Mailing address: 117 Park Place, Richmond, CA 94801
P 510/236-7435 M 510/220-1577 F 510/232-5325
East Brother Light Station, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that operates and maintains East Brother Light Station as a public service under a license from the U.S. Coast Guard. East Brother Island is a California Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places