Yesterday, after going missing for 10 days, Fletcher the dog has been found, following a massive dog hunt that mobilized multiple social media, including the E-FORUM, and an APB from the RPD. See Help Find Fletcher, September 23, 2013.
As it turns out, Fletcher was only a few hundred feet away. His guardian, Anabel Conner, writes:
I got the best belated (1 day) birthday present ever today! Fletcher was found!
A man had picked him up within 10 minutes of him getting out of our house. He was on the cross street Esmond and 34th, which is only 3 houses down from ours and this man driving by thought he would be hit by a car. He had Fletcher at his house for 9 days. A neighbor of his saw the many postings on (a site I signed up for \ the Richmond North and East’s a pretty cool site, its social networking according to neighborhoods) and was talking about it with another neighbor and he overheard their conversation. He then found a flyer and called me. He had never even known anyone was looking for him, despite the flyers being everywhere! He never took him anywhere to see if he had a microchip...he said he walked Fletcher in the neighborhood, but we, apparently were never out there at the same time. Plus he lived across San Pablo Avenue from where I live, so I rarely ever walk there, and vice versa. We were very close, but yet too far, I guess! He said Fletcher was very good at his house, and that he was going to miss him.
The most valuable and wonderful thing that Marc and I have experienced through this is having met so many kind and wonderful people in Richmond. Marc said that through this experience, he has fallen completely in love with Richmond. Although he had lived here for many years, the last 9 or 10 days have proven to us how rich we are by living in this city. Pride and purpose, indeed! We feel so blessed. Our hearts are so full!!
Now I have my boy back, and I feel so grateful and thankful for all of the help and kindness I received from people like you! Thank you so much! Bless you!
Hope to see some of you at the picnic this weekend!
Nothing better than a fund dog story.