We are repairing a small leak in the 20,000 gallon wood water tank at East Brother on Tuesday, September 24. We will empty the tank and work from the inside using caulking, epoxy and wood patches. This work has to be done during the week when the lighthouse is closed to guests. Our normal weekend volunteers are not available, so I am looking for 3-4 volunteers, preferably with some carpentry or boat-building skills to help me out. If you are interested, email me ASAP at tom.butt@intres.com, and I will provide details.
If you are interested in volunteering at other times please go to http://www.ebls.org/volunteering.html and sign up.

Tom Butt, President
East Brother Light Station, Inc.
Mailing address: 117 Park Place, Richmond, CA 94801
P 510/236-7435 M 510/220-1577 F 510/232-5325
East Brother Light Station, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that operates and maintains East Brother Light Station as a public service under a license from the U.S. Coast Guard. East Brother Island is a California Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places