Illegal campaigning has cost the Richmond 1 Committee even more money in fines. See Campaign Committee Treasurer Admits Numerous Violations During Contentious Richmond Election in 2012, July 12, 2013.
Here is a summary of recent developments in the state court lawsuit City of Richmond v. Richmond One Committee Opposing Tom Butt for City Council and Dwight Adams. In response to a formal complaint filed by Tom Butt with the City Attorney’s Office, and following an initial investigation by our firm, this lawsuit was filed against the Committee and Mr. Adams to enforce Richmond Municipal Code section 2.42.075, which requires certain campaign mass mailings supporting or opposing candidates for Richmond elective office to identify those providing major funding for the mailing. The lawsuit also identifies a number of other violations of state and City campaign finance laws.
The City’s civil complaint was filed in Contra Costa Superior Court on April 29, 2013. After the complaint was filed, we entered into discussions with Defendant Dwight Adams, the treasurer for the Committee, for the purpose of obtaining additional information, and resolving the matter as to him. Based on these efforts, Mr. Adams, on behalf of the Committee, filed with the City Clerk amendments to the Committee’s previously filed campaign finance reports. Those amendments make corrections to those earlier reports, and provide additional information about those contributing to the Committee, as required by state and City law. In exchange for these actions by Mr. Adams -- and his agreement to pay a monetary penalty and complete training before serving again a campaign committee treasure -- he was dismissed from the lawsuit.
After settling with Mr. Adams, the City entered into negotiations with the Committee and reached a settlement with the Committee as well, which resolves the litigation. As part of that settlement, the Committee has agreed to pay the City a total of $2,000, which includes the payment due from its treasurer, Mr. Adams. That payment is due by September 4. Once it is received, the City will dismiss its action against the Committee.
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