Richmond South Shoreline Specific Plan Development Alternatives Presentation
The Richmond Planning Division will host a third community workshop for the South Shoreline Specific Plan. At this workshop, the community will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the refined design and land use alternatives that have been developed for the project based on previous community input.
Please join us for a presentation of the development alternatives and continue to provide feedback on the specific plan's direction! Refreshments and Spanish translation will be provided.
Event Information:
Wednesday, August 28, 2013, 6:00-8:00 pm
Gates close at 6:30 PM so please arrive promptly.
Richmond Field Station Conference Center, Building 445
Egret Way, Richmond, CA
For directions visit http://rfs.berkeley.edu/explore_directions.htm.
Project Funding:
This community planning effort is partially funded through a PDA Planning Grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments.
Project Website:
Please contact Hector Rojas, Senior Planner at hector_rojas@ci.richmond.ca.us with any questions or comments.
Hector Rojas, LEED® AP
Senior Planner
City of Richmond Planning & Building Services
450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804
Tel: 510.620.6662 | Fax: 510.620.6858
Web: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/planning | E-News Signup
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