Richmond Bay Trail Network,
Great news! Exhibiting a welcome show of unanimity last night, the Richmond City Council awarded the Bay Trail project a trifecta in approving three important gap closure measures:
1. Awarding a $384,500 construction contract to Richmond firm W.R. Forde Associates to close two gaps in the Ferry Point Loop of the Bay Trail creating new public access to a scenic stretch of shoreline. When completed this fall, the result will be a continuous Class I hiking and biking trail between Shipyard 3 Trail and Ferry Point. The project is being funded by ABAG Bay Trail Project and East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) Measure WW grants supplemented by funds compensating for recreational losses caused by the Cosco Busan oil spill . Click Here to learn about plans to close four gaps in the Ferry Point Loop, including the three discussed under items 1 & 3 of this email.
2. Approving payment of $18,250 to EBRPD for redesign of the planned Atlas Road bridge over Union Pacific rail tracks as a second entry to Point Pinole Regional Shoreline. At TRAC’s recommendation, Richmond’s Design Review Board requested revision of design plans in order to widen the Bay Trail by two feet through narrowing of automobile travel lanes. The project should be advertised for construction bids later this year and completed in late 2014. Click Here for more information.
3. Accepting a $45,000 grant from ABAG Bay Trail Project and appropriating the funds to close the Bay Trail gap running past The Plunge between Cutting Blvd. and Ferry Point tunnel. This completes funding for this trail section and clears the way to advertise for construction bids.
Special kudos to the City’s Engineering Services Dept. for skillfully advancing each of these measures to the point of City Council approval.
Meanwhile, check out the amazing variety of activities available on the Richmond Bay Trail Calendar of Events during the next three months while awaiting opening of the next trail section.
TRAC Steering Committee
phone/fax 510-235-2835
Websites >>
City of Richmond Bay Trail:
Richmond Bay Trail Slideshows:
Richmond Convention & Visitors Bureau:
