Click here for a letter from the district attorney that appears to indicate Richmond City Council members and City staff could be prosecuted for enabling the issuance of permits for marijuana dispensaries.
“ Potential civil and criminal penalties can be initiated not only against licensees, property owners and financier who engage and/or aid in the cultivation of marijuana, but also against those who facilitate the actions of the above individuals, to wit: individuals who under the cover of authority issue the licenses and allow the issuance of license that permit the violation of federal law.”
Item K-3 on next Tuesday’s City Council Agenda is to approve the relocation of an existing license from a C-3 Zone in the Hilltop Area to a C-2 Zone in the Santa Fe Neighborhood. The Santa Fe Neighborhood Council has voted overwhelmingly to oppose it.
APPROVE the transfer of Richmond Compassionate Care's permit from a C-3 zone to a C-2 zone to operate as a medical marijuana collective at 425 South 2nd Street in substantial compliance with their application submitted on or about May 2, 2011 and again on April 16, 2013 - Police Department (Chief Chris Magnus 621-1802). The public hearing was closed on June 18, 2013. (Click for details)