Mayor and City Council:
This is the weekly report for the two weeks ending July 12th, 2013.
(Editor’s note: In doing the final edits for this week’s report, I was struck by the fact that there are a number of items that fall into the category of “new and improved.” Richmond ESC - Excellence Serving our Community has already connected nearly 600 volunteers in this, its first year of existence; Mathieu Court Alley is a pilot project designed to change the nature of alley ways in the Richmond community; the WriterCoach connection has just completed its first successful year with growth on the horizon; the new Recreation Department partnership program has launched a pilot program introducing horsemanship to the Parchester community; the Richmond Art Center just held one of its most successful members’ shows ever; and, Lucas Park and the Hilltop Green tennis courts are being rejuvenated. These are all being done with a backdrop of continued core services in public safety, public works, planning, and in services throughout City departments. As new or pilot projects, some will be successful and endure [like the Art Center], and some will be “learning experiences.” In any case, it is nice to witness the spirit of invention and reinvention that is so prevalent in the City organization.)
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, July 16th, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:00 PM, and with the regular agenda commencing at 6:30 PM. Please note that City Council meetings are planned for both July 23rd and July 30th, prior to the annual meeting break in August.
- South Shoreline Specific Plan Initial Concept Presentation – Community Workshop #2
On Wednesday, July 24th, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, the Planning Division will host the second community workshop for the South Shoreline Specific Plan (SSSP) to present the initial concept plan developed based on the community input received thus far. The workshop will include a presentation of the initial concept and staff will be seeking feedback on the plan’s direction. The SSSP will create a plan for the systematic implementation of the General Plan in Change Areas 15 and 16 (the areas around the proposed Richmond Bay Campus site).
The workshop will be held at the Richmond Field Station Conference Center, Building 445, Egret Way, in Richmond. Entrance gates to the Richmond Field Station will close at 6:30 PM so please arrive promptly. This community planning effort is partially funded through a PDA (Priority Development Area) Planning Grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments. For more information, visit
- Volunteers Continue to Impact the Richmond Community
Since launching in February 2013, Richmond ESC - Excellence Serving our Community has connected 252 adult volunteers and 347 youth volunteers to meaningful service opportunities within the Richmond community. That’s a total of 599 volunteers! In the past six months, volunteers have dedicated their time to supporting local organizations, city departments, and special events in the city with a range of issues and projects. They are in the classroom working with students one on one. They help beautify their neighborhoods. They help residents visiting City Hall connect with the service they are looking for. They are at festivals setting up, leading activities, and lending a hand where needed. Volunteers are part of the movement to make Richmond a better community for everyone. Together, our volunteers have contributed an estimated 8,335 hours of service!
Don’t miss out on some wonderful opportunities to “Get your SERVE on!” Visit to check out volunteer opportunities and sign up to be our 600th volunteer at! You can also give us call at (510) 237-SERVE or (510) 620-6511.
As always, thanks to Rochelle Monk, Chief Service Officer, and her outstanding team for continuing to build this program.
- Mathieu Court Alley Greening Project Design Charrette
On Thursday, July 18th, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the Planning Division and Engineering Department will host a design charrette and Mathieu Court Alley Get-together. The design charrette will take place on Mathieu Court Alley, between Barrett Avenue and Ripley Avenue. Light snacks and drinks will be provided.
This charrette is part of what we hope will be only a pilot project that will change the nature of alley ways in the Richmond community. The goals for the Mathieu Court Alley project are to transform this 16,000 square feet alley to a “green” street with landscaping, pervious pavers, trees and urban gardens. At the charrette, participants will have the opportunity to provide input on the existing design concepts and help design Richmond’s first “green” alley.
This urban greening project is being partially funded by a State of California Strategic Growth Council Urban Greening Grant funded by Proposition 84. For more information on the project, please contact Kieron Slaughter, Associate Planner at (510) 620-6887 or visit the project webpage at
- Support Richmond High School Students Through Writer Coach Connection
Last school year, 75 caring community volunteers worked 1-on-1 with Richmond High School (RHS) students in their English classes on their writing assignments. Together they brainstormed ideas, discussed life experiences, and worked to create clear, concise, and well organized writing. These writing, creative and critical thinking skills are essential for school, college, and career success.
Last year, EVERY student in a participating class had a coach, but we expect to add one hundred additional students to the coaching program this fall. They need coaches! With positive encouragement, students become more confident and competent writers. Teachers report more assignments turned-in and dramatically improved writing. Grades and the first-time pass-rate on the high school exit exam have also improved.
What RHS students said about their coaching:
- “It has changed the way I feel about writing because my coach encourages me to be better.”
- “Now I'm proud and confident. I feel more confident when I write important essays.”
- “Everything was amazing. I think this was the best program I ever had.”
Coaches commit to a two-hour assignment and meet with students 2-3 times per month. Excellent coach training provides strategies for working effectively with students. They warmly welcome working and retired people, parents, grandparents, college students, and community members of all cultures and backgrounds. Please register as soon as possible because training sessions will start soon to prepare for school in September!
With the success of the program at Richmond High School, the impact volunteering program and Community Alliance for Learning have begun discussions with the principal and vice principal of John F. Kennedy High School and community groups surrounding the school to bring WriterCoach Connection to that school.
For information and to register to become a coach:
Watch a video to learn more and coaches and students do:
For more information, contact Shelli Fried, RHS Volunteer Recruitment Manager, at 510-530-7600 or
- Artist Talk at the Richmond Art Center
Distinguished artists from the Annual Members' Show will be at the Richmond Art Center this Saturday, July 13th, from noon – 2:00 PM to discuss their work. Participants will include local artists Larry Hatfield, Nancy Rowe, Diana Keevan, Koko Baker and Gene Erickson. Their diverse bodies of work encompass wood, jewelry, watercolor and mixed media. This is a great opportunity to sit amidst the artists' work and ask questions about their process and ideas. The discussion will be in the Main Gallery at the Richmond Art Center, 2540 Barrett Avenue.
Disabled Peoples Recreation Center
Adult Morning Program and Therapeutic Interactive Recreation Program participants have been working on typing skills as part of their computer technology activity in the computer lab. This program will develop typing skills for future jobs and college classes. It is a wonderful for staff to watch participants have fun while learning a new skill.
Parchester Community Center
In partnership with the Heritage Riders Horsemen’s Association, the Parchester Community Center has twelve participants enrolled in an 8-week summer pilot program, where the youth visit a local horse ranch to learn about horse safety, horse care, horsemanship, and how to ride. The participants enjoyed their 1st week at the ranch last Tuesday and engaged in grooming, riding, and nutrition education. This program is through the Recreation Department’s new Partnership Program where non-profit agencies work together with the Department to provide quality of life programs for the community.
Senior Center
The Richmond Senior Center, in conjunction with Top Dog Hot Dogs, had a barbecue on Wednesday, July 10th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Hot dogs were sold for $1 per hot dog.
Casino Trip
The Senior Center has scheduled a casino trip for Thursday, August 8th to Feather Falls Casino in Oroville. For further information, call (510) 307-8087 or visit the Richmond Senior Center.
Facilities Maintenance: Carpenters converted space into a file room within the Human Resources Department, repaired a water damaged ceiling at May Valley Community Center, and installed a new interior apparatus room door at Fire Station #67.
Painters completed the exterior restrooms and an interior area at Shields Reid Community Center.
Stationary Engineers secured the water heater at Booker T. Anderson Community Center, secured the water heater in Employment and Training, conducted the annual boiler service at the Richmond Museum, repaired sump pump in the Richmond Auditorium, and relocated an emergency eyewash station in the Corporation Yard.
The Electricians repaired the lighting controls at Lucretia Edwards Park, repaired the flashing traffic signals on Hilltop Drive, set a new traffic signal cabinet for South 47th Street and Carlson Boulevard, repaired a knocked down traffic signal at San Pablo Avenue and Clinton Avenue, replaced stolen wire from street light fixtures on Kelsey Street, and prepped boxes on Giant Highway for wire replacement.

Traffic Signal Cabinet Installation on So. 47th and Carlson Boulevard
Parks and Landscaping Division: This week crews continued rehabilitation of Lucas Park playground, performed weed abatement on Richmond Parkway, began resurfacing of the tennis court at Hilltop Green Park, performed landscape maintenance along the San Luis sound wall, pruned vegetation at Booker T. Anderson Community Center, replaced worn and missing swings at Nichol Park, performed maintenance at Tiller Park, continued landscape improvements along Esplanade Trail, continued installation of pathway lighting along the Bay Trail, installed boulders on Castro Ranch Road, and performed maintenance at Hilltop Green Park.

Lucas Park Rehabilitation

Hilltop Green Tennis Court Resurfacing
Tree crews completed work on Ventura Avenue, Duboce Avenue, 8th Street, Macdonald Avenue, and in Marina Green Park.
Streets Division: Crews performed grinding and paving on Ventura Street from Sierra Avenue to Clinton Avenue, resurfaced Lucas Park and the tennis court at Hilltop Green Park, as well as worked from the outstanding pothole and sidewalk list.

Paving on Ventura Street
Signs and lines crews repainted curbs throughout the City, conducted sign maintenance, fabricated 22 signs, and installed four new signs.

Curb Maintenance on Wall Avenue
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the second Monday through Friday in May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I-IV, and East Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Have a great week!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512