Mayor and City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending June 14th, 2013.
- Meeting Notes
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, June 18th beginning with a Closed Session at 5:00 PM., followed by Housing Authority agenda at 6:25 PM, and with the regular agenda commencing at 6:30 PM.
- RichmondBUILD Receives Grant From the Environmental Protection Agency
RichmondBUILD staff was notified that they received a $200,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to continue training Richmond residents for environmental stewardship and clean-up careers. RichmondBUILD will receive one of the 16 grant awards made throughout the country. The funding will provide up to 60 Richmond residents with training and certifications in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), hazardous waste operations (HAZWOPPER), CPR and first aid, confined space entry, chemical safety, lead and asbestos abatement, and brownfields assessment and clean-up.
The selection of RichmondBUILD’s application was due, in large part, to the successful job placement rate of 80% of all graduates with an average starting wage of $18 an hour and the strong support from industry employers.
- City Council Presentation on FY2013-14 & 2014-2015 Budget
At the June 11th City Council meeting, the City Council received a presentation of the proposed Fiscal Years 2013-14 & 2014-15 Operating Budget and Fiscal Years 2013-18 Capital Improvement Budget. Special thanks to the Budget Team for their hard work and dedication in preparing both the budget documents and the presentation, and thanks to department managers for providing concise financial summaries to the Council at their meeting.
The Budget Team consists of Andrea Miller, Budget Administrator; Markisha Guillory, Senior Budget Analyst; Connie Valentine, Senior Budget Analyst; Mubeen Qader, Budget Analyst II; Bert Jones, Budget Analyst I; Vrenesia Ward, Budget Analyst I; Leah J. Viramontes, Budget Analyst I; Antonio Banuelos, Revenue Manager; Tracie Thomas, Accountant II; Andreia Stewart, Payroll Manager; Susan Segovia, Debt Analyst; Yolanda Skelton, Senior Accountant; Theresa Austin, Executive Secretary II; and LaShonda Wilson-White, Management Analyst. This group has been doing a remarkable job in another difficult budget year.
Unfortunately, there is still work to do to finally present the Council with a balanced budget that staff can recommend for adoption. This is still planned for the meeting of June 25th.
- Richmond Bay Campus Long Range Development Plan Community Workshop
The University of California is currently preparing a Long Range Development Plan for the Richmond Bay Campus (University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory second campus) that will guide campus development through 2050. A community workshop concerning this Long Range Development Plan will take place on Thursday, June 20th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Richmond Auditorium at 403 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA. Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to hear a presentation concerning the status of the project. Doors open at 6:30 PM and Spanish translation will be provided.
In order for us to plan accordingly for the estimated number of attendees, we request that you please RSVP at While an RSVP is not necessary to attend this public meeting, it greatly assists us in preparing the meeting logistics.
For more information, please visit: You can access existing environmental documents at
- South Shoreline Specific Plan Community Workshop
On Monday, June 24th, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, the Planning Division will kick-off the South Shoreline Specific Plan (SSSP) project with a community workshop. The SSSP will create a plan for the systematic implementation of the General Plan in the areas around the proposed Richmond Bay Campus site. The workshop will be held at the Richmond Field Station Conference Center, Building 445, Egret Way in Richmond. We encourage you to join us to kick-off this new planning process and share your ideas. This community planning effort is partially funded through a “priority development area” (PDA) planning grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments. For more information, visit
- Summer Food Service Program
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) operates under the principle that children need healthy food all year long, even when they’re not in school. The SFSP provides healthy meals to children, age 18 and younger, free of charge at various sites throughout the community including recreation centers, schools and camps. The SFSP feeds children throughout the summer, gives a boost to public and private non-profit summer programs, and helps provide children with the best start to the new school year. Many SFSP sites provide not just meals, but educational enrichment and recreational activities that help children continue to learn and stay safe when school is not in session. For more information, including a complete list of participating sites and qualification requirements, visit the WCCUSD Summer Food Service Program website.
- Proposed Single-Use Bag Ordinance
To help eliminate plastic litter and contribute to environmental sustainability, the Richmond City Council will consider at its meeting of June 18th a single-use bag ordinance that will promote the use of reusable bags instead of plastic or paper bags. As it will be presented, the ordinance would: (1) prohibit the distribution of single-use plastic bags at point of sale; and (2) require retail establishments to charge 5-10 cents to customers for each paper bag distributed at point of sale. As proposed, the ordinance would apply to all retail establishments, except restaurants.
The West Contra Costa Integrated Waste Management Authority (RecycleMore) completed an Environmental Impact Report for West County cities, including Richmond, in March 2013. The introduction (first reading) of Richmond’s ordinance is scheduled for the June 18th City Council meeting. The proposed effective date of the ordinance is January 1, 2014. You can review the draft ordinance by using this link: proposed Single-Use Bag Ordinance.
The City of Richmond is distributing free reusable bags to community members to promote the use of reusable bags. Please call (510) 621-1554 for more information.
- Proposed Food Ware Ordinance Revisions
In addition to the single-use bag ordinance (see above), the City Council will also consider changes to its Food Ware Ordinance at its meeting of June 18th.
The City of Richmond’s Food Ware Ordinance helps reduce the use of polystyrene foam (Styrofoam), a product that litters our streets and waterways and poses human and environmental health concerns. The Food Ware Ordinance requires the distribution of recyclable or compostable food ware by restaurants and other food providers, prohibiting the distribution of polystyrene foam food ware.
To achieve greater community and environmental benefit, City staff will propose for City Council consideration an expansion of the Food Ware Ordinance to prohibit the sale of polystyrene foam cups, bowls, coolers, and other polystyrene foam products in Richmond stores. The revisions also propose changes to enforcement procedures and offer other technical changes. The introduction (first reading) of the ordinance is scheduled for the June 18th City Council meeting. The proposed effective date of the ordinance is January 1, 2014. You can access the draft ordinance by using this link: proposed revisions to the Food Ware Ordinance. Please call (510) 621-1554 for more information.
- Residential Structure Fire
On Monday, June 10th at 2:30 PM, the Richmond Fire Department, along with units from Contra Costa County Fire and El Cerrito Fire, responded to a residential structure fire at 2718 Rheem Avenue. Engine 62 was first on scene and quickly moved to extinguish the fire. There were three engine companies, one truck company, and three Chief Officers for a total of fifteen personnel involved in this fire operation. The fire is currently under investigation by Deputy Fire Marshal Poindexter. There were no reported injuries to fire personnel or civilians.

Fire at 2718 Rheem Avenue
(Photo credit: Christian Wimmer from KCRT)
- Richmond Art Center: Summer Art Classes & Camps
Try something new this summer by taking one of the many creative and inspiring art classes at the Richmond Art Center! A full spectrum of art classes, camps and workshops that focus on ceramics, jewelry making, screen-printing, encaustics, collage, drawing, painting, fiber arts and weaving are offered for adults, teens and kids. Classes are taught by professional artists and are held in some of the best-equipped studios in the Bay Area. Richmond residents and City of Richmond employees receive a special 10% class discount. Call (510) 620-6772 for a catalog or view a class listing online at

- Public Works Updates
Facilities Maintenance: Carpenters installed AED units at the Police Department, installed new exterior restroom doors at Shield Reid Community Center and a new door at the Recreation Complex, installed a security door at the Fire Training Center, repaired the ceiling in the KCRT broadcast room, and repaired the sink cabinet at Fire Station #66.
Stationary Engineers performed annual boiler service at the main library, repaired apparatus doors at Fire Station #61, cleared sewer lines at two locations, and repaired the exhaust system at Fire Station #67.
The Electricians repaired wire theft damage on Kelsey Street, installed a power source for an irrigation controller at Nevin Park, and repaired lights on the Marina Bay trail and overseeing traffic signals at Harbor Way and Maine Avenue.

Lighting Repairs in the Marina
Parks and Landscaping Division: This week crews continued work in high fire severity zones, completed preparation of the lot at the Richmond Recreation complex for paving, continued weed abatement on the Richmond Parkway from San Pablo Avenue to Hilltop Drive, and completed irrigation repairs at various locations including Nicholl, Solano, Lamoine, Parchester, Marina Green and Tiller Parks.

Lucas Park Playground Rehabilitation

High Fire Severity Zone Work
Tree crews completed work on 36th Street, Joann Drive, 25th Street, and Sacramento Avenue.
Streets Division: Street sweeping was performed in commercial and residential areas during the second Monday through Friday in May Valley, Vista View, Clinton I – IV and East Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Have a great week!
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Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512