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  City Manager's Weekly Report for Week Ending June 7, 2013
June 8, 2013

Mayor and City Council:

This is the weekly report for the week ending June 7th, 2013.

  1. Meeting Notes


The next City Council meeting is a special meeting, scheduled for this coming Tuesday, June 11th beginning at 6:30 PM, for the purpose of beginning to review the budget.  Please note for planning purposes that there is a City Council meeting now scheduled for each Tuesday in June.

  1. BART Parking Structure at Richmond Transit Village Now Open


On Thursday, May 30th, the Richmond BART parking structure at 16th and Macdonald opened for regular service.  Completion of the parking structure is a major milestone for the Richmond Transit Village Project, implemented by the former Richmond Community Redevelopment Agency, BART and the Olson Company.  The parking structure replaces all of the surface parking at the station and adds approximately 120 spaces to existing parking capacity, for a total of 760 spaces.  The existing surface lots east of the station are proposed to be developed with 99 residential units as part of the second phase of the Transit Village development.

Upon opening the parking structure, the parking lot east of the station will be closed, and all BART patrons will park in the parking structure.  BART will charge $1 per day for parking, similar to other stations in the system.  An opening ceremony is being planned to take place on Wednesday, June 19th, at 10:00 AM.    Additional information on the opening ceremony will follow as plans are finalized.

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  1. Richmond Bay Campus Long Range Development Plan Community Workshop

The University of California is currently preparing a Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) for the Richmond Bay Campus (University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory second campus) that will guide campus development through 2050.  A community workshop concerning this Long Range Development Plan will take place on Thursday, June 20th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Richmond Auditorium.  Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to hear a presentation concerning the status of the project.  Doors open at 6:30 PM and Spanish translation will be provided.

In order for us to plan accordingly for the estimated number of attendees, we request that you please RSVP at http://lrdp.eventbrite.com/.  This greatly assists us in preparing for the meeting logistics.

For more information, please visit: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/lbnl.  You can access existing environmental documents at http://richmondbaycampus.lbl.gov/environmental_documents.html


  1. South Shoreline Specific Plan Community Workshop


On Monday, June 24th, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, the Planning Division will kick-off the South Shoreline Specific Plan (SSSP) project with a community workshop.  The SSSP will create a plan for the systematic implementation of the General Plan in the areas around the proposed Richmond Bay Campus site.  The workshop will be held at the Richmond Field Station Conference Center, Building 445, Egret Way in Richmond.  We encourage you to join us to kick-off this new planning process and share your ideas.  This community planning effort is partially funded through a “priority development area” (PDA) planning grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments. For more information, visit www.ci.richmond.ca.us/sssp


  1. Richmond Art Center’s Annual Members’ Show


The Richmond Art Center is proud to present its Annual Members’ Show featuring nearly 100 artist/members. The reception is Saturday, June 15th from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. The show runs from June 15th to August 23rd. Some of this year’s featured artists include Jim DeWitt, noted Richmond artist, featured artist for the 34th America’s Cup Race, and winner of many prestigious awards. Other featured artists include 2012 Members’ Showcase Award winners from the Association of Clay and Glass artists of California, Diane Levinson, Mira Benoni, and Diana Keevan; and Bill A. Dallas, an abstract painter who grew up surrounded by Kansas City Blues and Jazz and coined the term ‘Artmatism’ to encompass Abstract Expressionism with his approach of “painting music.”

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Jim Dewitt, Out of the Fog, Oil on canvas, 30” x 40”

  1. Proposed Single-Use Bag Ordinance


To help eliminate plastic litter and contribute to environmental sustainability, the Richmond City Council will be considering a single-use bag ordinance that will promote the use of reusable bags instead of plastic or paper bags. As it will be presented, the ordinance would: (1) prohibit the distribution of single-use plastic bags at point of sale; and (2) require retail establishments to charge 5-10 cents to customers for each paper bag distributed at point of sale.  As proposed, the ordinance would apply to all retail establishments, except restaurants.

The West Contra Costa Integrated Waste Management Authority (RecycleMore) completed an Environmental Impact Report for West County cities, including Richmond, in March 2013.  The introduction (first reading) of Richmond’s ordinance is scheduled for the June 18th City Council meeting.  The proposed effective date of the ordinance is January 1, 2014.  You can review the draft ordinance by using this link:   proposed Single-Use Bag Ordinance.

The City of Richmond is distributing free reusable bags to community members to promote the use of reusable bags. Please call (510) 621-1554 for more information.


  1. Proposed Food Ware Ordinance Revisions

The City of Richmond’s Food Ware Ordinance helps reduce the use of polystyrene foam (Styrofoam), a product that litters our streets and waterways and poses human and environmental health concerns. The Food Ware Ordinance requires the distribution of recyclable or compostable food ware by restaurants and other food providers, prohibiting the distribution of polystyrene foam food ware.

To achieve greater community and environmental benefit, City staff will propose for City Council consideration an expansion of the Food Ware Ordinance to eliminate the retail sale of polystyrene foam products. The revisions to the ordinance would prohibit the sale of polystyrene foam cups, bowls, coolers, and other polystyrene foam products in Richmond stores. The revisions also propose changes to enforcement procedures and offer other technical changes. The introduction (first reading) of the ordinance is scheduled for the June 18, 2013, City Council meeting. The proposed effective date of the ordinance is January 1, 2014.  You can access the draft ordinance by using this link:  proposed revisions to the Food Ware Ordinance. Please call (510) 621-1554 for more information.

  1. Five-Year Financial Plan


The updated Five-Year Financial Plan (the Plan) was adopted by the City Council on June 4th.  This Plan focuses on financial and organizational issues that are designed as tools to use for the long-term sustainability of the City.  Long-term sustainability level projections assist in guiding the development of capital projects, service levels, and budgets in line with the General Plan and the strategies and objectives of the Five-Year Strategic Business Plan.  The Plan is located on the City's website at:  http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/index.aspx?nid=2602

  1. Recreation Highlights


Kids ‘N Motion summer camp

The Kids ‘N Motion summer camp begins June 10th and will be held each week until August 16th.  Participants ages 5 to 12 can enjoy games, field trips, arts & crafts, swimming, special events, and much more at the Recreation Complex, Shields Reid, May Valley, Nevin, Booker T. Anderson, and Parchester community centers.  Camps are held from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM every day.  There will be available extended day hours from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at all sites and an additional 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM session at the Recreation Complex.  For more information, call 510-620-6793 or registration can be done online at: https://online.activenetwork.com/richmond

Director’s Award

Keith Jabari, Recreation Director, presented Tetteh Kisseh, Recreation Program Coordinator with the annual Director’s Award at the department quarterly meeting on Tuesday, June 4th.  This marks the third Director’s Award Tetteh has received.  The Director’s Award is a yearly program which acknowledges and recognizes a Recreation Department employee who is dedicated to the highest standards of public service and customer satisfaction.  Nominations are made based on an employee’s measurable impacts on the operations of the department that consistently exceeds expectations in several areas which include, but are not limited to, leadership, work quality, and problem solving. 

In addition to the Director’s Award, the department introduced the first annual Outstanding Customer Service, Cleanest Facility, and Innovative Program awards.  Sharolyn Babb, Recreation Program Coordinator, received the Outstanding Customer Service Award. Sharolyn Babb, on behalf of the Disabled Peoples Recreation Center, received the Cleanest Facility award. Patrick Nikolai, Recreation Program Coordinator, received the Innovative Program award.

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Tetteh Kisseh, Sharolyn Babb, Keith Jabari, Patrick Nikolai

Disabled Peoples Recreation Center

The Adult Morning Program participants navigated through the internet, with assistance from staff, and found programs which helped them learn independent living skills in math and reading. The participants are also keeping busy with pre-orders of stepping stones and sun-catchers from the Senior Information Day event. Each Wednesday, participants continue job shadowing during the nutrition program at the Senior Center where they learn about proper social etiquette and being a part of the workforce.

  1. Public Works Updates


Facilities Maintenance:  Stationary Engineers performed yearly maintenance on the boiler within the penthouse of the Main Library. Facilities Maintenance employees attended training for engineers and locksmiths.

The Electricians repaired a power issue on Richmond Parkway traffic signals from Atlas Road to Hilltop Drive, repaired the damage from wire theft on Kelsey Street, repaired a traffic signal controller issue at Harbour Way and Macdonald Avenue and attended a 3-day training on troubleshooting electrical controls.

Staff Attending Training Session

Parks and Landscaping Division:  This week crews continued with the renovation of the Lucas Play area, continued to work in High Fire Severity Zones, performed weed abatement on the Richmond Parkway from San Pablo Avenue to Hilltop Drive, completed irrigation repairs at Hilltop and Marina Green parks, continued with weed abatement on the Marina portion of the Bay Trail, and cleared areas for paving.
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Lucas Park Playground Rehabilitation

Tree crews completed work on the 2700 block of Bissell and on Rheem Avenues.

Streets Division:  This week the paving crew paved and grinded on San Benito Street from Tehama to Burlingame Avenues, on Santa Clara Avenue from South 56th Street to Tehama Avenue, and on San Benito Street.

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Paving on San Benito Street

Street sweeping crews performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the first Monday through Friday in Parchester Village, Hilltop Bayview, Hilltop Green, Fairmede/Hilltop, Arriage Hills North Side El Sobrante Hills, Greenbriar, Hansford Heights, Via Verda, San Pablo Dam Road, Bristole Cone, May Valley, Vista View, and Clinton Hill I neighborhood council areas.



A special congratulations to all graduates –

Have a great week!


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Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.



You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx



Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512


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