The City of Richmond is about to undertake a new public art project focusing on the Port of Richmond. Funding for the project is coming from the Percent for Art Ordinance, which allocates 1.5% of all eligible Capital Improvement Projects for public art. In this case these funds resulted from improvements made to accommodate the Honda automobile shipping contract.
There will be two informational meetings in June about the project. We hope you will attend one of them. Content will be the same at both, and artists and the community are invited to attend:
Saturday, June 8, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Wednesday, June 12, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Craneway, Ford Point City Council Chamber
1414 Harbour Way South 440 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA Richmond, CA
Since the public art will be located at the Port, we would like to extend a special invitation to residents and businesses from adjacent neighborhoods. A segment of both meetings will be dedicated to specific information for artists interested in the application process and the Call for Artists, which will be discussed. The Call will be released on June 13th. Artists from California, Oregon and Washington are invited to apply.
Please forward the attached flyer to anyone else you would like to invite.
Thank you,
Michele Seville
Arts & Culture Manager
City of Richmond
440 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804