Have you bought your tickets yet?
It’s as easy as clicking http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/358095 or downloading the order form here - http://www.richmondcarotary.org/stage/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/LostSecrets-OrderForm.pdf
Check out the great article front the West County Times on the play.
The play opens this Friday evening and we have 23 usher spots to fill, three for Friday night and 20 for the remaining five performances of the show.
It is General Admission. You don’t have to find anyone’s seat for them, nor do you have to arbitrate the interpretation of seat numbers. I’ve attached the tasks that need to be performed by ushers to help you more quickly agree to pick a date or two to do this Rotary project volunteer work. Please send your selected dates back to me ASAP.
- Four ushers are needed for each of the six performances.
- Ushers need to be at the Center Theatre one hour before each performance. See performance schedule above.
- Ushers will be shown the basics of the theatre so they can:
- Direct patrons to their general admission seating in the Iron Triangle Theatre space.
- Direct limited mobility patrons to wheel chair and easy access seating.
- Direct patrons to restrooms
- Take tickets at the door as patrons enter the theatre.
And yes, if you are an usher you get in free.
Jim Young
Richmond Rotary
2636 Yuba St
El Cerrito CA 94530-1444