This is the weekly report for the week ending February 15th, 2013.
The next meeting of the Richmond City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, February 19th beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 PM, and with the regular agenda commencing at 6:30 PM.
- City Offices Closed for Presidents’ Day
As a reminder, the City offices will be closed on Monday, February 18th, in observance of Presidents’ Day.
- Dornan Drive Tunnel Repair Project
Scheduled construction work on the Dornan Drive Tunnel is continuing. The subcontracted materials testing firm has started structural investigations on the existing void found on February 8th, and a radar survey to find any other voids above the tunnel lining will be completed by early next week. After the survey is completed, Engineering staff and the construction manager from Swinerton Management and Consulting, will work with the structural design firm, Crosby Group, to develop an action plan.
The official designated detour for the tunnel has been changed to a route that goes from Cutting Boulevard to Canal Boulevard to Seacliff Drive, as staff believes that this route is more capable of handling the additional traffic load. Temporary informational signs have been ordered and will be installed. The following is a map showing the detour route.
- Richmond ESC is Ready to Launch!
On Wednesday, February 20th, the City of Richmond’s high impact volunteer program, Richmond ESC – Excellence Serving our Community – will officially launch. The official launch will be between the hours of 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM, in the City of Richmond Memorial Convention Center at 403 Civic Center Plaza. At the launch event, attendees will be able to hear about the program’s service initiatives, get a sneak peak of the program’s new website, and win door prizes.
For more information, please contact Richmond ESC at (510) 237-SERV (7378).
- New Partners for Smart Growth Conference – Kansas City Missouri
The 12th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference took place in Kansas City, Missouri from February 7th – 9th, hosted by the Local Government Commission (LGC). The City of Richmond was represented at the conference by Vice Mayor Corky Boozé and Councilmember Tom Butt. Jennifer Ly, Sustainability Associate in the City Manager’s Office, was awarded a scholarship by the LGC to attend.
Long acclaimed for its legendary jazz, blues, and barbecue, Kansas City is today striving to implement a vision of smart growth that promotes environmental quality, social equity, and economic vitality. Examples are the Green Impact Zone, a model of concentrated capacity building in 150 square blocks of concentrated disinvestment, and redevelopment of the historic 18th and Vine Jazz District that includes mixed-use and affordable housing development. The conference brought together communities across the country integrating smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development approaches to design and build healthy, sustainable, and inclusive neighborhoods. Conference attendees explored strategies for identifying and overcoming barriers to more sustainable development in the Midwest and in the rest of the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency released its publication Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development.
Kansas City Main Street and 18th and Vine Historic Jazz District
You can view more photos of the event by clicking here.
- Code Enforcement Employee of the Month
Code Enforcement Officer Renée Souza received the January Employee of the Month award. Officer Souza was acknowledged for her willingness to help others, taking initiative to get things done, and often being the first to volunteer to help her colleagues, assist the community, and work on special projects. The communities that Officer Souza serves have frequently complimented how much they valued her contribution to maintaining their neighborhoods. In appreciation for her efforts, Officer Souza received a personalized plaque and a letter of recognition from the Code Enforcement Manager. Thank you, Officer Souza and keep up the good work!
- Code Enforcement Steps up Abandoned Vehicles Enforcement
The Code Enforcement Division has stepped up enforcement on inoperative and/or unregistered vehicles that are being stored in public view in violation of the Richmond Municipal Code (RMC). Historically, the Code Enforcement Unit has been limited to just one Vehicle Abatement Officer, but as a result of improving efficiencies within the unit, all of the Code Enforcement Officers are being trained to investigate complaints, conduct inspections and remove vehicles that are in violation of the RMC Section 11.76.030. For more information please contact Code Enforcement at (510) 621-1279.
- RESCHEDULED EVENT: Book Talk: People vs. Newton: The REAL Trial of the 20th Century
The Richmond Public Library and the Richmond Public Library Foundation are proud to sponsor retired Judge Lise Pearlman's talk on her new book, The Sky's the Limit. This comprehensive account of the 1968 Huey P. Newton murder trial provides the reader with a glimpse of the political and judicial climate at the time of the trial and its impact on the country years later. The author will share valuable insights on the issues that framed the trial and a comparison of other noteworthy trials of the century. The event particulars are as follows:
- Thursday, February 28, 2013 — 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
- Richmond Memorial Auditorium — Bermuda Room, 2533 Nevin Avenue, Richmond
- $10 General Admission; $5 Students with ID
- Or, be a Supporting Sponsor for $100 (includes an autographed book)
- Funds benefit the Library Book Van Campaign
Tickets and more information available at www.rplf.orq
- Health Fair at LIfeLong Brookside Clinic
The Lifelong Brookside Clinic is hosting a community health fair on February 23rd, at the Nevin Community Center from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM. The day will consist of healthy living presentations from Dr. Porshia Mack, along with healthy cooking demonstrations and health screenings. The City of Richmond Environmental and Health Initiatives staff will also be present to obtain input on the development of the Health in All Policies (HiAP) strategy that was recently approved for development by the City Council. For more information contact: Ruth Vasquez-Jones at 510-233-8930 ext. 411 or Edwin Reyes at 510-233-8930 ext. 401.
Richmonders USTA Tennis Program
I continue to receive regular reports from Garry Hurlbut, “community tennis organizer,” about the Richmonders USTA tennis program. Mostly Garry reports on the Richmonders winning their matches (he occasionally needs to report on a loss), but mostly he reports enthusiastically about the great time that the Richmonders are having participating in the program at various levels of age and ability. Congratulations to Garry Hurlbut and the Richmonders for putting the Richmond community on the Bay Area tennis map. For more information, contact the Richmond Recreation Department.
Black History Celebration
The City-Wide Black History Celebration was held on February 8th, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM, at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium. A grand time was had by the over 300 attendees of all ages. See the link below for a full story from the Richmond Confidential:
Chinese New Year
There are still a few tickets left for the Chinese New Year event on Saturday, February 16th, from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Celebrate the year of the snake with dinner, Lion and Dragon dancers, and martial art and cultural performances. Purchase your tickets at the Richmond Senior Center at 2525 Macdonald Ave.
Casino Trip
The Richmond Senior Center is hosting its next Feathers Falls Casino trip on Thursday, March 28th. Tickets are $10 per person. Call (510) 307-8087 for more information.
The Weigh of Life program at Shields Reid Community Center continues to grow, and participants are making steady progress in their health goals. Classes are held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Weight and other health assessments are measured each week to track improvements and show participants what they have accomplished. Members can enroll anytime, for $15 per month, through Weigh of Life.
Facilities Maintenance Division: Electricians repaired the pedestrian walk lights near the Senior Annex Center and completed the BART Plaza lighting repair.
Parks and Landscaping Division: Crews have been working on the baseball fields at Nicholl Park replacing the safety netting and the chain link fence, as well as fertilizing and aerating all turf.
Nicholl Park Baseball Field
Crews also completed the repair of the damaged backstop at Country Club Vista and Belding Garcia parks, mulch installation and landscape clean-up on Richmond Parkway, installation of conduits for the Giant Highway overpass, and the landscape project along the Esplanade Trail in the Richmond Marina.
Country Club Vista Ball Field
The Tree Crew trimmed and pruned trees on Lucas Avenue from 7th to 10th Street, Barrett Avenue, Andrade Avenue, and Wilson Avenue.
Streets Division: Pavement Maintenance Crews grinded and paved 38th Street from Roosevelt to Solano Avenues.
Street Sweeping continued with the commercial and residential routes for the second Monday through Thursday and the third Friday of the month in the May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I-IV, East Richmond, Santa Fe, Coronado, Marina Bay, and Point Richmond Neighborhood Council areas.
The Signs and Lines Crews installed new crash barrels on the 23rd Street underpass and replaced or repaired signs on fourteen streets.

23rd Street Underpass Crash Barrels
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512