Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is a status report regarding Chevron’s permit applications relating to repair of damaged process piping. Following the public meeting this past Wednesday, staff concluded that the following steps needed to be taken before a fire permit for this application can be approved:
- The City’s technical consultants need to be in a position to opine that the pipe material proposed by Chevron represents best technology and is inherently safer than other pipe material options that are suitable per code. The consultants’ reports that have been provided thus far simply state that the proposed material is consistent with industry practices and consistent with the Fire Code.
- Chevron needs to provide the City with responses to the interrogatories provided to them from the Chemical Safety Board as they relate to the selection of pipe material, and the City’s technical consultants need to have an opportunity to review these responses.
- Other agencies that have been involved in the investigation need to be given the opportunity to review the technical report prepared by Chevron that provides an analysis of their proposed pipe material selection. Thus far, the City has received comments from the Chemical Safety Board and Cal-OSHA.
A this point, we are uncertain as to when these steps can be completed, as some of it depends on a timely response from Chevron. The review and approval process by City staff can move quickly if the material is provided.
We will keep you informed as this process moves forward. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information.
Bill Lindsay
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
(510) 620-6512