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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending November 2nd, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Mayor and Councilmembers: This is the weekly report for the week ending November 2nd, 2012.
There will not be a City Council meeting on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6th. As a result, the next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 13th.
Tissue Banks International (TBI), a non-profit, non-governmental network of eye and tissue banks, and the largest provider of ocular tissue in the world, is relocating to Richmond from San Rafael. TBI closed escrow on the purchase of a 57,800 square foot building at 880 Harbour Way South. TBI/Tissue Banks started as a single eye bank in 1962, and has grown to a network that covers the United States and reaches around the globe. Each year, more than 130,000 TBI tissues are used in transplant surgery, with thousands more utilized in research and medical education. TBI is a recognized innovator in the field of eye and tissue banking and has led advancements in recovery, processing, and distribution of allograft tissue.
Restoration Hardware (RH), headquartered in Corte Madera, is expanding, and recently executed a 10-year lease of a 200,000 square foot building at 2900 Atlas Road in the Point Pinole Business Park. RH currently occupies a 51,000 samples warehouse on Marina Way South. RH is a national furniture chain of home furnishings, bath fixtures, bath ware, functional and decorative hardware, and related merchandise. The facility at 2900 Atlas Road will house a photography studio for web photo sets, a samples warehouse, and corporate offices. The anticipated 12-set web studio is projected to be ready for production in early spring of 2013. RH is projecting 100 employees at the Atlas facility at full capacity. The majority of employees (60-80) will work in the web photo studio. The warehouse will store samples needed for photo shoots and will employ up to 20 people. In addition, the facility will house some corporate offices. RH is relocating and expanding the photography studio presently located in Corte Madera and consolidating the samples warehouse currently located at Marina Way South.
This past week, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) released its annual report on the pavement condition of the Bay Area’s 42,600 lane-miles of local streets and roads. The data shows that average road pavement remains in “fair” condition, with the typical stretch of asphalt showing serious wear and likely to require rehabilitation soon. Data puts the region’s 2011 pavement condition index (PCI) score at 66 out of a maximum possible 100 points, as computed on a three-year moving average basis. This marks the third consecutive year the region has registered an average PCI score of 66. El Cerrito was honored last year by MTC’s Regional Streets and Roads Program for the effectiveness of its voter-approved Street Improvement Program, which helped to boost its one-year PCI score from 48 (poor) to 85 (very good) and its three-year moving average from 53 (at-risk) to 62 (fair). Significantly, the Regional Streets and Roads Program will later this year recognize the City of Richmond for the achievement made in 2011 by our pavement maintenance programs. Richmond registered a 13-point jump in its one-year PCI score from 2010 to 2011, an increase that will be reflected in the city’s three-year moving average score through 2013. The City’s three-year moving average PCI during the years from 2006 – 2011 are 46, 50, 53, 55, and 58, respectively. Anyone who drives the streets of Richmond is acutely aware that there is a great deal more work to do to improve our pavement conditions. However, both the Engineering and Public Works Departments have worked hard to achieve the progress that has been measured in these PCI scores, and consistent investment in their systematic paving programs over time should continue this positive trend.
Civic Center Plaza was filled with superheroes, princesses, ghosts, laughter, and lots and lots of smiles on Halloween as youth from across Richmond visited City Hall for “trick or treat.” Thank you to everyone who participated in the Halloween festivities, as it brought a lot of joy and memorable moments to our youth from throughout Richmond, including those from Youth Enrichment Strategies, Center for Human Development, Richmond Police Activities League, Coronado YMCA, and Nevin, Booker T. Anderson and Shields-Reid Recreation Centers, as well as to the employees at City Hall. Youth enjoyed trick-or-treating at various City departments that used their resources and talents to create a warm and welcoming environment. The youth chose to award the “spirit stick” for the best decorated trick or treating venue to the Recreation Department. Congratulations go to the City employee costume contest winners, whose frightful facades appear below. Thanks especially go to Alicia Nightengale, Project Manager in the City Manager’s Office, who “brainstormed” the idea (a la Dr. Frankenstein [“it’s alive!”]) and implemented it so effectively with the help of many City staff members.
Congratulations Recreation Department!!
The City reached a major milestone on the Via Verdi culvert replacement project (the site formerly known as a sinkhole). The last portion of the concrete culvert was recently poured and cured, the upstream and downstream coffer dams were removed, and the creek bypass pumps were deactivated. San Pablo Creek is now being conveyed by the new concrete culvert. Although the culvert construction phase of the project is complete, much work remains to be done before the entire project is complete. The earth must be properly built up and compacted, and utilities, including sewer, water, gas, electric, telephone, and cable must be installed. El Portal Drive and Via Verdi roadways must be reconstructed. The temporary bypass road must be removed, and the Rolling Hills Memorial Park property must be restored to its original condition. Upstream Headwall: The “Headwall,” or upstream receiving end of the culvert, is visible in this photo. Wooden baffles were installed in accordance with environmental regulatory requirements. The baffles encourage sediment deposit and development of water eddies, mimicking a natural stream, enabling flora and fauna to thrive, and ultimately promoting a healthy riparian ecosystem. Downstream Endwall: The “Endwall,” or downstream discharge end of the culvert, is visible in this photo. Several creek bank erosion control measures have been implemented, in accordance with environmental regulatory requirements. “Rip-rap,” or large rocks, were placed on the lower reaches of the banks to prevent erosion, willow stakes were planted among the rip-rap – some will grow into willow trees and will stabilize the creek bank and provide canopy cover, and erosion control blankets were installed on the upper reaches of the banks to prevent soil erosion.
Health in All Policies (HiAP) recognizes that the causes of health disparities, and the resulting health inequities, are the consequence of a variety of social factors that impact individuals and communities "upstream," beyond the scope of traditional health services. This concept acknowledges that all city departments impact health, even those that we do not traditionally consider as conducting health-related work. The City Richmond’s Health in All Policies Strategy is a collaborative approach with the goal of improving health equity by addressing the social determinants of health and integrating health into the decision making processes across all departments of the City. Those interested in this Health in All Policies effort can learn more about this strategy and provide feedback at an informational meeting on November 8th and at a workshop on November 29th, both from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Find out more about Health in All Policies at www.richmondhealth.org. Please RSVP at www.healthinallpolicies.eventbrite.com so that we can plan the logistics accordingly.
The City of Richmond invites members of the public to view the draft of the City’s ADA Transition Plan and offer comments. The Plan can be accessed on the City Manager’s web page at http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/index.aspx?nid=2526 .
The EPA is hosting a meeting on December 3rd from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, where those interested can hear about and discuss the results from the recently completed Technical Needs Assessment (TANA) for the United Heckathorn Superfund Site. (Please find meeting fliers in English, Spanish, and Laotian.) At the meeting, the EPA will give a brief update on the clean-up schedule and an overview of the TANA process and findings. We are encouraging those interested to attend the meeting, get involved in helping implement actions identified in the report, and Find out more about the United Heckathorn Superfund site.
Disabled Peoples Recreation Center (DPRC) Halloween The Disabled Peoples Recreation Center and Friends of Disabled Children Inc. co-sponsored the annual Halloween Dance at DPRC and it was a great success. Eighty-three participants, their aides, volunteers, and staff danced the night away. The decorations were captivating and the music was phenomenal. Everyone had a great time.
DPRC Adult Morning Program The Adult Morning Program participants enjoyed breakfast at Sukie’s Country Kitchen while utilizing skills learned in the Money Matters program to confirm the final bill was correct and determining the appropriate tip. Aquatics All lifeguarding staff completed a 32 hour, 4 day intensive training at the Richmond Swim Center and the Richmond Plunge. The American Red Cross recently modified the Lifeguard Certification requirements and mandated all Lifeguard Certifications be renewed by December 31st, 2012.
Facilities Maintenance Division: Painters applied an elastomeric coating to the roof of Fire Station #66 which will provide additional protection against leaks. Stationary Engineers restored heat to the Starlight building, made repairs within the boiler room of the Employment and Training building, cleared sewer lines to City buildings and repaired the air handling fan switch at the Richmond Auditorium. Electricians prepared and connected the electrical for holiday lighting in Civic Center Plaza, repaired lights at Blume Drive and Auto Mall Row, relamped multiple poles throughout the city, restored power on a section of Nevin Avenue for the street lights, replaced green light at Castro Street and Richmond Parkway and replaced the main breaker at the Parchester Community Center. Replacing Green Light on Castro Street and Richmond Parkway Parks and Landscaping Division: Crew performed landscape renovation projects in the Hilltop area, planting on Nunn Street, turf maintenance at Olinda School and five parks (Tiller, Mira Vista, Wendell, Burg and Solano), cleaned up Raincloud and Lamoine Parks, repaired posts and cables at overlook parks in Point Richmond, and assisted in the Harvest Tree Planting event where 32 trees were planted. Landscape Renovation in the Hilltop Area The Tree Crew trimmed and pruned trees at Atchison Park, on South 24th Street, 28th Street, Bernhard Avenue, Groom Drive, East Scenic, Parker Avenue, and on the Bay Trail near the Ford Point Building. Streets Division: Pavement Maintenance crew grinded and paved Key Boulevard from Barrett to Macdonald Avenue.
Key Boulevard Paving Street Sweeping continued with the commercial and residential routes for the first Thursday and Friday of the month in the Carriage Hills North Side, El Sobrante Hills, Greenbriar, Hansford Heights, Via Verde, San Pablo Dam Road, Bristole Cone, May Valley, Vista View, and Clinton Hill I Neighborhood Council areas.
********************************************* Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you. Have a great week! You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
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