
We are in the process of updating our website www.tombutt.com. The following pages have been updated:
We are at about 15% of our campaign fundraising goal, so please keep those donations coming!
I want to thank those of you who have responded to my campaign updates by sending encouragement, donations and endorsements. To donate and/or volunteer, see http://tombutt.com/contribute.htm. Some of the encouraging responses are shown below. New entries are highlighted.
- Your e-mails are my prime source of information about Richmond's civic affairs. Also, I greatly enjoy your sharing various aspects and experiences from your personal life. I look forward to your continued presence on the council.
- You have my support! I am so grateful to you for all of the work that you are doing to make Richmond strong and safe.
- I deeply appreciate your commitment to transparency in government as well as your considered positions on the issues. Thank you for continuing to ‘go to bat’ for our community.
- I'm so pleased that seeking reelection, Tom, and that you're remaining on the council. You're much needed there. I often wonder why anyone would want to, but if you really care about the political process and believe you can make a difference,
- One very positive aspect about your activities is all the e-mail info - VERY important & appreciated.
- Thanks for giving so much of your time to help make Richmond better!
- Tom Butt, to my present state of mind, you are the top o' the heap; i.e., you must be reelected!
- You have my full support! I am so thankful that you are there, and that you are running again. We need your wise and reasoned voice!
- Of course, you have my continuing support - you shed light on important issues that others often try to hide. I applaud your efforts to bring more environmentally-conscious jobs to Richmond and your forward-looking views on the issues, always thinking ahead to the future generations of Richmond by preserving our historic past. I only wish I could vote for you again, but can't as I'm no longer a Richmond resident. I will continue to ask my Richmond friends to support your retention of your seat on the Richmond City Council.
- Tom: you can definitely count on my support; I am very impressed with and appreciative of all you do for Richmond.
- I feel very fortunate you continue to serve our community.
- Tom, you've got my vote. I enjoy your emails, and you seem to be generally aligned with the issues that I feel make Richmond a better place to live. Crime and safety, environment, attracting good quality jobs, and generally running the city more professionally.
- Thanks for all you've done and continue to do for our city.
- You can absolutely count on my support. Thank you for your in depth e-mails and your tireless energy for promoting Richmond
- You can count on my support. We have lived here just two years (moved from Boston) and I find you to be an excellent councilman--you are active and on the right side of issues, and you care for the people and town of Richmond. Education is a big issue for me, and Richmond's retirement of its state debt is a big step forward.
- As far as I am concerned, you have taken a realistic, "Wally Stegner", approach to solving problems facing the City of Richmond + you have succeeded!
- You can count on my support. I have followed and admired your terms on the City Council over the years. I am most impressed with how you research issues BEFORE they come to the Council. For one example how people applying for contracts with the City do not have the required licenses.
- You can certainly count on my support. Yours is the most pragmatic voice on the council, so your re-election is critical.
- Although we disagree on some issues, overall you're a sterling example of a good politician, and a great asset to Richmond.
- You have accomplished so much by doing your homework so ably and standing up for the right things in the City of Richmond.
- Tom, you are the man for Richmond is a better place for all to live because of your wisdom, vision, intelligence, perseverance and dedication.
- I support you wholeheartedly! I appreciate the fact that you always do your homework; are very responsive to residents' concerns and problems and manage to get things accomplished.
- It's great to see the long list of deeply appreciative comments for your tireless service, in a position that can be so important and so completely thankless. I can't begin to put into words how grateful I am for your presence on the dais - your intelligence, your perspective, your wisdom, your experience, your integrity - and, perhaps most of all, your consistent ability to see and express humor in the midst of all of it.
- I love your style of leadership!
- Not only have you served well on the Council, you have helped me understand Richmond politics better. What before seemed an opaque tangle of competing private interests and egos and old grievances now seems like a more transparent tangle of the same.
Endorsements, as of today, include the following:
Elected Officials
- Loni Hancock, Senator 9th District
- Nancy Skinner, Assemblymember 14th District
- John Gioia, Contra Costa County Supervisor, 1st District (West County)
- Tony Thurmond, West Contra Costa Unified School District Board of Education
- Charles Ramsey, West Contra Costa Unified School District Board of Education
- Pamela Mirabella, Contra Costa County Board of Education Area 1 Trustee.
- Jeff Ritterman, Richmond City Council
- Jim Rogers, Richmond City Council
- Jovanka Beckles, Richmond City Council
Neighborhood Council Presidents
(as individuals – not representing neighborhood councils)
- Ralph C. Vaca (Representative, Hilltop Green Homeowner Association/Neighborhood Council)
- Stanly Anderson (President, Marina Bay Neighborhood Council)
- Jim Sexton (President, Panhandle Annex Neighborhood Council)
- Ron Gibson (Richmore Village/Metropolitan Square Neighborhood Council)
- John Monks (President, Atchison Village Neighborhood Council)
- Ed Durbin (President, Brickyard Cove #2 Homeowners Association)
- Marvin Yudenfreund (Director, Carriage Hills North Homeowners Association/Neighborhood Council)
- Melita Agbabiala (President, Eastshore Community Neighborhood Council)
- Jeanette Mahoney (Contact Person, El Sobrante Hills Neighborhood Council)
- Eleanor Loynd (President, May Valley Neighborhood Council)
- Jessie Hall (President, Parkview Neighborhood Council)
- Margaret Jordan (President, Point Richmond Neighborhood Council)
- Mary Selva (President, Richmond Annex Neighborhood Council)
- Rock Brown (President, Richmond Heights Neighborhood Council)
- Alejandro Navarro (President, SW Annex Neighborhood Council)
- Eugene Fleming (President, Metro Walk Homeowners Association)
- Joe Bako (President, Country Club Vista Neighborhood Council)
- Sylvia Hopkins
- Sue Chin
- Jeffrey Dickemann
- Don Woodrow
- Mike Parker
- Juan Reardon
- Tyler Hester
- Terri Hinte
- Patricia Smith
- Teri Katz
- Jean-Paul Schreter
- Bonnie Jo Cullison
- Richard E Smith
- Adrienne Harris
- Ray and Betty Ann Barnett
- Susan Sharfman
- Diann Anderson
- Suzanne Zeman
- Susan and Mike Elwell
- Melissa Ehman
- Paul Carman
- Stephen Clark
- J. William Pezick
- Priscilla Minn
- Scott Jill Clarice & Cashton Curtner
- Chuck Arnold
- Gary Hocom
- Doug & Rosemary Corbin
- Richard Brabham
- Rev. Frances K. Moulton
- Duane FitzGerald
- Victoria Roberts
- Linda Andrew-Marshall
- Frank Scott
- Sue Rosenof
- Claire-Elizabeth DeSophia
- Mike Meagher
- Mike Witz
- Truse Pretto
- Emory Menefee
- Steven Kessler
- Meredith Benz
- Cindy Haden
- Lorraine Parmer
- Tracy Geraghty
- Larry Hatfield
- JJ Thorp and Kerry Radcliffe
- Alan La Pointe
- Ted Tedrick
- Wende Heath
- Matt Heberger
- Mark Howe
- Emily Chesley
- William Van Dyk
- Kathryn Sibley
- Mike and Ruth Peritz
- Robert Brorby
- Lana and Michael Husser
- Deborah Dodge
- Jeanne Kortz
- Pam Stello
- Bob Larsen
- Judy Pordes
- Paul Hayashi and Sigi Laing
- Jim and Kitty Zahradka
- Ruma Tenbrink
- Juana Janie Anker
- Gary Shows
- Jerry Cerkanowicz
- Joan and Bob Cone
- Bart Hackworth and Becky Jonas
- Gretchen Blais
- Richard Neidhardt
- Susan Gee Rumsey and John Gee
- Joe Brown
- Lois Boyle
- Jake Sloan
- Charles Arnold
- Mindy Pines
- Ormond Otvos
- Bruce and Sandra Beyaert
- Bill Pinkham
- Karen Fenton
- Wayne and Betty Tarr
- Linda Lawrence
- Dana Dean
- Patricia Jones
- Karen Wargo
- Michael Beer
- Vivien Feyer
- Sharon Brown
- Nemy Bautista, Vicky Bautista & Family
- Michelle Marshall
- Diane Hedler
- Cathie and John Louden
- Fran Smith
- Debbie Bayer
- Kay Wallis
- Lesli Zephyr
- Kate Gilpin
- Christine Zirker
- Gary Hocom
- Wendy Heath
- Michael and Barbara Woldemar
- Susy Friedman and Mark Gruberg