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  The June 26, 2012, City Council Agenda/Packet
June 23, 2012

The June 26, 2012, Richmond City Council Agenda/Packet is on the web.  Follow the link below to view: http://sireweb.ci.richmond.ca.us/sirepub/meet.aspx.

The easiest way to view the packet materials is to click on the meeting date, then click on the option “http://sireweb.ci.richmond.ca.us/sirepub/images/pdf.gif  AGENDA -- COMPILED  (HTML).” You can scroll down the Agenda and click on any agenda item.  The documents describing that item can be opened as PDF documents.

  • The first PDF file is the “Agenda Item Request Form,” which simply repeats the description of the item on the Agenda.
  • The second PDG file is the “Agenda Report,” which is typically a staff report describing the item in detail. If you were going to look at just ne document, this would be the one.
  • Other PDF files are typically backup information, draft resolutions or draft ordinances.


Some items of particular interest on next Tuesday’s Agenda at the always contentious and often entertaining City Council meeting include:

  • Approve the 2012-2013 Budget.
  • Presentation on the San Francisco Bay Trail Connection – Point Richmond to Richmond-San Rafael Bridge
  • Receive a status report of the United Heckathorn superfund site.
  • Second reading of ordinance describing pet “owners” as “guardians.”