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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending June 22nd, 2012 June 22, 2012 |
Mayor and Councilmembers: This is the weekly report for the week ending June 22nd, 2012.
The next meeting of the City Council is Tuesday, June 26th, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 PM and with the regular agenda starting at 6:30 PM.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites you to participate in a Technical Assistance Workshop related to the United Heckathorn Superfund Site Cleanup Action Plan on Monday, July 9, 2012, from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM in the Richmond BUILD III Facility, 500 23rd Street, Richmond, CA.
For more information on the Site Cleanup, contact Penny Reddy, Remedial Project Manager, at (415) 972-3108 or email her at reddy.penny@epa.gov. For more Site information, go to EPA web page at: www.epa.gov/region09/UnitedHeckathorn
On Thursday, June 28, 2012, at 6:00 PM in the Richmond City Hall Council Chambers, Planning and Building Services Department staff will host a workshop to inform residents about the City’s update to its General Plan Housing Element. We invite you to join us at this upcoming public workshop to learn more about Richmond’s Housing Element Update, share your thoughts about the City’s existing housing programs, and identify housing opportunities and challenges facing our community. More information is available at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/housingelement
YouthWORKS is pleased to announce the receipt of $2,500 from the Richmond Pacific Railroad and $2,500 from the Levin Richmond Terminal for the Summer Youth Employment Program. This contribution, along with the support committed by the Mayor and Council of $279,000, the donation from Chevron of $100,000 and the amounts pledged, but not yet received, from Simms Metals, British Petroleum (BP) and California Oils will allow the program to provide 225 economically-challenged Richmond youth with a meaningful, career path work experience this summer. The YouthWORKS Program would like to thank the Council of Industries for assisting in the outreach and marketing of the program to its member companies and Mechanics Bank for providing 16 staff volunteers for the Financial Literacy workshops!
Other highlights of the YouthWORKS program this year include the 100% graduation rate for the 14 seniors enrolled in the year-around program, and the 75% CAHSEE pass rate for the non-senior Academic Program participants - special thanks to Straight Talk on Prison Executive Director, Pedro Lespier, and his team of tutors for their excellence and commitment. In addition, the Service Learning component of the Academic Program has provided over 1,000 hours of community service labor since January of this year, primarily on Saturdays, for the development of the Richmond Greenway, as well as assistance with events such as the grand opening of the Rosie the Riveter WWII Homefront Headquarters, Cinco De Mayo, the City-sponsored Fruit Tree and Compost Give Away and, most recently, Juneteenth. The Academic Service Learning Program is sponsored by the National Park Service and the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation. Special recognition goes out to NPS Education Specialist, Ranger Matthew Holmes, for his passion and commitment to the YouthWORKS program
We are also pleased to announce the upcoming graduation ceremony of the YouthWORKS/RichmondBUILD charter high school, Muir Career Academy, scheduled for Friday, June 29th, from 10:00 AM to Noon at the RB III facility at 23rd and Bissell. The Muir Career Academy is a partnership of YouthWORKS, RichmondBUILD and John Muir Charter Schools and is sponsored by Chevron. Keynote speakers include Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, Councilmember Corky Booze and local community activist Jackie Thompson.
You are invited to attend an East Bay Small Business Symposium held by the East Bay Small Business Initiative on July 31st, 2012, at 7:30 AM – 11:00 AM at Hotel Shattuck Plaza (Crystal Ballroom) at 2086 Allston Way in Berkeley. It’s free to small businesses! Connect with key resources that are available to you as a small business. Agenda:
Download the flier and register: www.ebsmallbusiness.com. For more information, contact Keith Sutton, East Bay EDA, (510) 272-3885 or email keith@eastbayeda.org. Initiative partners: East Bay Economic Development Alliance, Wells Fargo, Inner City Advisors, SBA, Alameda County Small Business Development Center, Contra Costa Small Business Development Center, Alameda County Workforce Investment Board, Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa County, Berkeley Chamber of Commerce, and City of Oakland. Sponsored by Wells Fargo, Mechanics Bank, One Pacific Coast Bank, and Bay Area Development Company.
Facilities Maintenance Division: Carpenters completed the construction and installation of the new desk at the Point Richmond Community Center; installed a new entrance door at Fire Station 67; repaired the wall paneling in the men’s restroom of the Nevin Community Center; and repaired the glass block at the Richmond Swim Center. The beam repair at the Booker T. Anderson Community Center has been completed.
The stationary engineers repaired the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system at 450 Civic Center Plaza; repaired the kitchen waste line at Fire Station 64; and re-installed a ladder at the Richmond Plunge. The electrical shop completed manufacturer up-grades to the solar park lighting at Atchison Village and Kern Parks; installed and removed the power pedestals for the Juneteenth festival at Nicholl Park; and repaired the light knocked down at 23rd Street and Brooks Avenue.
Parks and Landscaping Division: Parks performed irrigation repairs at Humphrey Play Lot, Hilltop Green Park, and Marina Green Park; weed abatement at Country Club Vista Park, the 23rd Street Grade Separation, and on the Richmond Parkway at the Castro overpass; installed the repaired gate in Atchison Village; and provided support for the Juneteenth Festival. Solano Play Lot renovations are progressing well.
The Tree Crew trimmed trees along San Pablo Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Huntington Avenue and Wiswall Drive. Streets Division: The Pavement Maintenance crew patched Lassen Street between Garvin and McBryde Avenues; Ventura Avenue between Solano and McBryde Avenues; McBryde Avenue between San Pablo Avenue and the I-80 Freeway, and dug out and pave patched on the 600 block of Ventura Avenue. The Street Sweepers regularly-scheduled commercial and residential routes for the third Monday through Thursday and the fourth Friday are North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, South Belding Woods, Atchison Village, Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex and Eastshore Neighborhood Council areas.
****************************************************** Have a great week! You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
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