  E-Mail Forum
  Study Tour of the Winters Building Saturday August 21, 10:00 AM
April 20, 2012

From: Sidney Sweeney [mailto:sidney@aiaeb.org]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 10:10 AM
To: Butt, Tom
Subject: RE: TOM BUTT E-FORUM: City of Richmond Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony and Reception on May 7, 2012.

We have a few spots left on tomorrow’s tour of the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts (a 2011 AIA East Bay Design Award winner!):

See http://tinyurl.com/7l494lo or     http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e5quu3k5adc6c1c0&llr=ornjnwn6.

This tour is open to the public; advanced registration is required.

I would be happy to extend the chapter member rate to your subscribers ($5 instead of $10). All they need to do is put “TOM BUTT” in the member number space.

Sidney Sweeney | Executive Director
AIA East Bay | 1405 Clay Street | Oakland, CA 94612
Office: 510/464-3600 | Fax: 510/464-3616 | sidney@aiaeb.org
aiaeb.org | twitter/aiaeb | Linkedin | Facebook
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