  E-Mail Forum
  Results of Corky Booze Survey
April 14, 2012

Click here for Results of Corky Booze Survey resulting from my April 6, 2012, E-FORUM.

I did this survey simply because Corky asked me to, and I have shared it with him before publishing it on the E-FORUM.

I have worked well with Corky in the past, and I look forward to working with him in the future, but I have been dismayed and disappointed of late at the way he has taken to opposing projects and policies I have worked on for years. I think he believes that by opposing other council members’ projects and policies, it will help move his issues forward. But I don’t think that is the case. Politics is not a zero sum game.

Corky was endorsed in the 2010 election by only three elected officials: Gayle McLaughlin, Jovanka Beckles and me. It seems he has picked a bone with all three of us.

Corky opposed our effort to lease the historic General Warehouse building at Point Potrero Marine Terminal to the National Park Service as an archive for the San Francisco National Maritime Park. It is a perfect use for this odd building and would create cash flow for the Port of Richmond.

Just last City Council meeting (April 3) Corky ignored my plea to slow down on awarding an over budget contract for construction of a Port Security and Operations Center and study the possibility of moving the project to the Riggers Loft, also an historical building at Point Potrero Marine Terminal. I may not be the smartest City Council person around, but I do have a history of successfully turning rehabilitated historic buildings into economic successes that create jobs. Corky not only didn’t listen to me; he called me out and made seriously erroneous statements about me, personally.

Click here for an updated report on the Security and Operations Center and click here for a report on the Port of Richmond.