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  City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending april 6th
April 6, 2012


Mayor and Councilmembers:

This is the weekly report for the week ending April 6th, 2012.

  • Meeting Notes


The next meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17th, 2012.

  • Richmond Livable Corridors Project: South 23rd  Street Design Charrette, April 10th-12th


The Planning Division will be hosting the third design charrette of the Richmond Livable Corridors Project.  The South 23rd Street Design Charrette will be from April 10th to April 12th, 2012.  The Livable Corridors Project will set the rules for future development along San Pablo Avenue, Macdonald Avenue, and 23rd Street. The City and its consultant team will be setting up a temporary office and design studio at 371 South 23rd Street (Galileo Club) during the charrette period.  We invite the public to share their ideas for future development along this corridor by participating at the following events:

  • Opening Meeting, Tuesday, April 10th, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Open Studio Hours, Wednesday, April 11th, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Closing Presentation, Thursday, April 12th, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM


All events will be held at the Galileo Club, 371 South 23rd Street.

This project is funded in part by a Sustainable Communities Planning Grant awarded by the California Strategic Growth Council.  For more information regarding the charrette and other project events, please visit www.ci.richmond.ca.us/livablecorridors.

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3.         City of Richmond Cities of Service – Volunteer Recognition and Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday, April 11th, 2012, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, community service champions will be celebrated during a Volunteer Recognition and Awards Ceremony in the foyer of the Richmond Memorial Auditorium. 

Local community-based organizations were invited to nominate volunteers for the inaugural event.  Distinguished Volunteer and Meritorious Service Awards will be presented to the following community honorees:

Distinguished Volunteer Service Awards
Bradley Blake
Isela Gonzales
Goshi Kogure
Bea Roberson
Jan Schilling
Cameron J. Williams

Recognition of Meritorious Service
Roxanne Alexander
Andromeda Brooks
Catholic Charities of the East Bay Family Literacy
Tom Chin
Michael B. Clark
Joann Ford
Sandi Genser-Maack
Virginia Harrison
Felix Hunziker
Teri Katz
  John Kendrick
  Melanie Myers
  Irma Sanchez
   Helida Solorio
  Brian Spiker

The ceremony, in partnership with the Richmond Community Foundation and the Volunteer Center of the East Bay, is a prelude to the City of Richmond celebrating National Volunteer Week, April 15th – 21st, and Richmond’s Cities of Service initiative. Cities of Service is a bi-partisan coalition of mayors and cities from across the country who are working together to accelerate the service movement and engage residents as volunteers to make a difference in their communities.  


4.         City Council to Consider Adopting the Richmond General Plan 2030

On Tuesday, April 17th, 2012, at 6:30 PM in the Richmond City Hall Council Chambers, the City Council will hold a public hearing to consider certification the General Plan Environmental Impact Report and adoption of the final draft Richmond General Plan 2030 document.

The Richmond General Plan is a critical long-range policy document that is intended to guide the City’s decision making with respect to the following topic areas through the year 2030:

  • Economic Development
  • Education and Human Services
  • Land Use and Urban Design
  • Circulation
  • Housing
  • Community Facilities and Infrastructure
  • Conservation, Natural Resources, and Open Space
  • Energy and Climate Change
  • Growth Management
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Community Health and Wellness
  • Public Safety and Noise
  • Arts and Culture
  • Historic Resources
  • National Historic Park


The final draft Richmond General Plan is the culmination of a five-year community visioning and planning process that involved the participation of over 1,000 community members and representatives from local non-profit organizations, advocacy groups, public agencies, industry and business representatives, educational institutions, and nearby local governments.

Please contact Hector Rojas, Associate Planner, at (510) 620-6662 or hector_rojas@ci.richmond.ca.us with any questions you might have regarding the General Plan. You can also learn more about the General Plan at www.cityofrichmondgeneralplan.org

5.         Recreation Highlights

Nevin Community Center - One Year Later:

The City of Richmond Recreation Department, in collaboration with Nevin Community Center Partners (Richmond Police Department, Recreation & Parks Commission, LEAP, Opportunity West, Building Blocks for Kids, Iron Triangle Neighborhood Counsel, CCISCO, East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, First 5), hosted the Grand Re-Opening of Nevin Community Center one year ago on March 5th, 2011.  

In early November 2010, the Nevin Community Center Partners in the Iron Triangle neighborhood initiated meetings to discuss new programs and support for community residents. After extensive planning, facility upgrades, and new computer equipment, the City of Richmond opened the doors of the Nevin Community Center with new programs and opportunities. New classes and programs began on March 7th, 2011 including: GED preparation, computer classes for beginners, youth programs, instructional classes, and sports programs. The City of Richmond ensured residents a new welcoming atmosphere within the community center that has included a children’s room brightly painted complete with new games and toys, an upgraded computer lab, and a classroom with a state-of-the-art Smart Board. One year later, residents have new choices to engage in self-improvement and family fun.

For more details regarding Nevin Community Center Story One Year Later click on the below link. http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/index.aspx?NID=2190

Youth Futsal:

The end of March concluded the 5th annual Richmond Youth Futsal League.  Since its inception, this season, the league had the largest number of participants.  There were more than 70 teams, ages 5 through 15, participating.  The Recreation Department served more than 600 Richmond and East Bay youth.  The Richmond Youth Futsal League is now one of the biggest leagues in California.  The increase from 30 teams last year to 70 teams can be contributed to collaborations and the formation of the Richmond Futsal Advisory Board.  The Board was made up of members from most of Richmond’s youth soccer leagues (Richmond United, Richmond Eclipse, Richmond Sol and Richmond Cobras), along with members of the El Cerrito/Berkeley Leagues and West Contra Costa Leagues.  The Recreation Department continues to facilitate the league, and games are held at the Richmond Recreation Complex, Booker T. Anderson Gym and El Cerrito High School.

Youth Basketball:

The Recreation Department, in collaboration with West Contra Costa Unified School District, YMCA, Richmond Police Activities League (RPAL), Neighborhood House, and the City of San Pablo Recreation Department, facilitated a city-wide Jr. NBA Basketball League with games held at the Richmond Recreation Complex and the RPAL Gym.  The final games culminated at the end of March with Bay Area Magic, RPAL, North Richmond Panthers and the Richmond Recreation Jr. Rockets proving themselves as champions in their age division.

  • Public Works Updates


Facilities Maintenance Division: The carpenters repaired the rear door of the Auditorium and installed new cabinet doors and drawers in Fire Station 66.

The painters restored the ceiling in KCRT from water damage due to a broken pipe and painted the gym walls of Booker T. Anderson Community Center.

The stationary engineers repaired the air conditioner in the server room and replaced check valves on the dewatering system in 450 Civic Center Plaza, and replaced the garbage disposal and kitchen faucet in Fire Station 63. 

Parks and Landscaping Division:  Parks’ crews completed Landscape clean up along Peninsula Drive in the Marina; prepared Solano Play Lot for the upcoming Easter celebration; repaired the bleachers in Nichol Park; completed the baseball field rehabilitation project in Atchison Village; and continued vegetation management on Richmond Parkway in the Hilltop area.

The tree crew continued with tree-related tasks at 1912 Placer Avenue, 831 and 907 South 43rd Street, 362 and 366 South 41st Street, and 12622 San Pablo Avenue.

Streets Division:  The pavement maintenance crew grinded, prepared, and paved San Jose Avenue from San Mateo Street to San Pablo Avenue; continued Class A patching potholes in various areas of Richmond; and repaired a damaged guardrail due to a single-car accident near Humboldt Avenue and Garvin Avenue.

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Newly installed guardrail near Humboldt and Gavin Avenues

The street sweepers swept their regularly-scheduled commercial and residential routes for the first week in Parchester Village, Hilltop Bayview, Hilltop Green, Fairmede/Hilltop, Carriage Hills, El Sobrante Hills, Greenbriar, Hasford Heights, Via Verde, San Pablo Dam Road and Bristol Cone.

Way Finding Signs: Bruce Beyaert, the Chairman of TRAC Bay Trail, reported the following about the installation of the ‘way finding’ signs project:

Very good news — the City’s Sign Shop has done [a] fine job of installing 16 new way finding “You Are Here” map panels to replace the old ones mounted on concrete bases along the Bay Trail throughout Marina Bay, Cutting Blvd. and Richmond Parkway plus three new ones along Harbour Way South.  In addition, a new galvanized frame has been fabricated to install a new map panel on the existing concrete cube just east of the Oil House site of new visitor center for the Rosie NHP.  This represents a total of 20 new way finding signs as illustrated by the attached example.

The old “You Are Here” map panels dating back to 2004 and 2006 tell the story of progress toward completing the Bay Trail in Richmond.  Many dashed line incomplete trail sections have been built.  Moreover, the oldest map panels don’t even show the Shipyard 3 Trail which was later negotiated with the Port of Richmond, added to the Bay Trail Plan, funded, designed and built. Joel Camacho in Engineering Services has one of the historic map panels if you’d like to view it for perspective.

Thanks very much for making this possible by funding fabrication of the new panels, as well as by installation of the three new concrete bases along Harbour Way South.  Now, we won’t have as many people wandering around lost on Richmond’s 31 miles of Bay Trail!           

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            Bay Trail Way Finding Map Panels

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.

Have a great week!

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Sue Kadlec
Executive Assistant to City Manager Bill Lindsay
City Manager's Office
450 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 300
Richmond, CA 94804
510-621-1264 direct line
510-620-6542 fax