Richmond Livable Corridors Community Kickoff Meeting
Saturday, February 11. 9:00AM-2:00PM
Calles Más Habitables en Richmond Reunión Inicial de la Comunidad
Sabado, 11 de febrero de 9:00AM a 2:00PM
DeJean Middle School, 3400 Macdonald Ave.
Multipurpose Room
The City of Richmond, in partnership with Contra Costa Health Services, the Local Government Commission, and Opticos Design is developing a Form-Based Code - a tool that guides transformation and revitalization of City streets into livable, walkable, and economically thriving corridors - for Macdonald Avenue, San Pablo Avenue, and 23rd Street. Have a direct hand in the planning process through this series of collaborative events! Saturday's meeting will feature presentations, map activities, and group tours.
Spanish translation, refreshments, and child care provided.
Traducción, refrescos, y guardería infantil en todos los eventos.
The community kickoff is the first of a series of Livable Corridors activities February 13-16. View the event flyer -
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