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  Richmond Crime is Down - Comparisons 2010 to 2011
January 6, 2012

The crime comparisons between 2010 (which also showed significant violent crime decreases) and 2011 are generally quite positive.  Violent crime in Richmond decreased 14% compared to 2010.  Some of the biggest decreases involved reductions in Armed Robberies and Carjackings—very good news.

Property crime, while very slightly down, continues to be a challenge, particularly in regards to Residential Burglaries.  While some of this is undoubtedly tied to the bad economy, we continue to believe low lighting levels in many of the hardest hit neighborhoods is a significant factor.  We are pleased that our high profile efforts to reduce stolen vehicles, including the use of License Plate Readers (LPRs) and intense public education campaigns, have helped bring this number down for the first time in several years (- 13%).

We are also very happy to see continued significant decreases in Shots Fired calls (-13% -- likely linked to our use of the ShotSpotter gunfire detection system) and Man with a Gun calls (-18%).

We recognize, of course, that many factors influence crime and violence in our city, but we believe that active neighborhood and community groups partnering extensively with the Police Department are a big part of the reason we are making progress towards a safer Richmond.   

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Chief Chris Magnus


Crime     (Violent)                 Change from 2010*
Armed Robbery                                   - 33%
Assault w/Deadly Weapon - 3%
Assault w/Firearm                                - 3%
Attempted Homicide                           - 14%
Attempted Robbery                            - 65%
Battery w/Serious Injury     + 18%
Carjacking                                              - 35%
Homicide                                               + 24% (net gain of 5)
Rape                                                       No change
Strong-arm Robbery                            - 14%

Violent Crime                                        - 14%

Crime   (Selected Property)               Change from 2010*
Arson                                                     - 28%
Auto Burglary (Car break-ins)            + 17%
Commercial Burglary                           - 12%
Grand Theft                                           - 31%
Residential Burglary                            + 15%
Vehicle Theft (Stolen Vehs)                - 13%

Property Crime                                     - 1%

Selected Calls for Service   Change from 2010
Illegal Drug Activity calls                     - 46%
Prostitution/Loitering calls - 1%
Man with Gun calls                              - 18%
Shots Fired calls                                   - 13%     

*Some numbers could change slightly based on late indexing of reports.