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  City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending December 9th, 2011
December 12, 2011

Mayor and Councilmembers:

This is the weekly report for the week ending December 9th, 2011.

  • Meeting Notes


The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 10th, 2012 beginning with a Closed Session at 5:00 PM, followed by the regular agenda at 6:30 PM.

  • City of Richmond Community Chess Tournament


The City of Richmond, in collaboration with Contra Costa College, is hosting the 1st Annual Community Chess Tournament on Saturday, December 10th.  This event is free and will take place at the Richmond Recreation Department, 3230 Macdonald Avenue, Richmond, CA.  Registration begins at 9:00 AM and rounds are scheduled for: 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM.  Everyone is welcome and trophies will be provided to all Quad Winners.

This event will honor the retirement of McKinley Williams, President of Contra Costa College, and his 21 years of dedication to the community.  This event also honors the memory of John Easterling, who in 1983, helped establish the Greater Richmond Chess Association (GRCA), in an effort to promote the game of chess in Richmond.

The City of Richmond and Contra Costa College would like to thank Veolia Water N.A. for their sponsorship.

  • Recreation Highlights


Community Center Cleanup:  The Shields-Reid Community Center will participate in the North Richmond Community Cleanup this Saturday, December 10th, from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm.  North Richmond and Triangle Court residents are invited to drop off materials from their home or yard to Shields-Reid Park, at Grove and Sanford, or at York and Parkway Estates on Martin Drive.

Winter Ball:  The Annual Senior Winter Ball was held at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium on Saturday, December 3rd, from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM.  The event was sold out with 560 senior citizens in attendance enjoying music, dancing and a special recognition of Mary Head, the former Commission on Aging Commissioner.

Snow Ball:  The Recreation Department will host the 69th Annual Snow Ball on Saturday, December 10th, from 7:00 pm until midnight at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium. 

Paratransit Fare Increase Reminder:  Since 1976, Richmond Paratransit has been providing low-cost transportation services, using wheelchair accessible vehicles, to seniors and persons with disabilities in the Greater Richmond Area.  Starting January 3rd, the cost per trip will increase due to the rising costs of fuel and operations.  Also, for security reasons, drivers will no longer accept cash, checks, or tickets, but only the new coupons.

Here are the following updates and changes:


  • One-way trip scheduled at least 10 days in advance will cost $4.00 (2 coupons)
  • One-way trip scheduled the same day will cost $6.00 (3 coupons)


  • Coupon books must be purchased prior to booking a trip.
  • Coupons will be sold in books of 10 and will cost $20.00.
  • Coupon books can be purchased through the Cashier’s Office in person, by telephone or by mail.  The Cashier’s Office is located at: 450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor, Richmond, CA 94804, and can be reached at (510) 620-5533.


  • If a Richmond Paratransit client has any van tickets, these can be exchanged for coupons at the Richmond Paratransit Office, located at:  440 Civic Center Plaza, 3rd Floor, Richmond, CA 94804.
  • The exchange period will be from November 15th, 2011 to June 30th, 2012.
  • Please note that Richmond Paratransit will be closed for business December 26, 2011 through January 2, 2012.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the changes starting January 3rd, please contact Richmond Paratransit at (510) 307-8026.

  • San Francisco Bay Trail Connection, Castro Street to Point Molate Community Meeting


The City of Richmond’s Engineering Services Department hosted a successful community meeting on the evening of December 1st to inform community members about the planned San Francisco Bay Trail Connection from Castro Street to Point Molate, and to gather public input on trail alternatives.  The meeting was attended by approximately 45 people, including City Councilmember Tom Butt, District Representative Nathan Rapp from the Office of State Senator Loni Hancock, and representatives from the Association of Bay Area Governments’ (ABAG) Bay Trail, Richmond Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (RBPAC), Trails for Richmond Action Committee (TRAC), and Chevron.  A presentation on the selection process for the recommended trail alternative was given by Questa Engineering Corporation of Richmond.  The recommended trail alternative received broad support from members of the community, in addition to representatives from ABAG, RBPAC, and TRAC, with many in attendance posing excellent questions and commentary.  The presentation slides can be found online at http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/DocumentView.aspx?DID=8055.

Staff is planning to present the Draft Architecture and Engineering Report on the planned trail to the Richmond Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the city’s Design Review Board.  The Final Architectural and Engineering Report will be presented to the City Council during the early part of 2012.  Upon city approval, the project will move into the environmental review and final design phase through the Caltrans approval process.  Staff will pursue federal and state funding sources to cover an anticipated cost of $15 to $20 million.

The planned trail connection will provide safe, convenient, and inviting access for bicyclists and pedestrians to the Point San Pablo Peninsula and the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge by closing a gap in the Bay Trail from Castro Street in Point Richmond to the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Toll Plaza.  The project would correct an access deficiency in the state transportation system, and facilitate zero-emissions commuting to and from the Point San Pablo Peninsula, and eventually across the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.  The project would also enhance water-oriented recreational opportunities for residents and visitors by providing bicycle and pedestrian access to the bay shoreline along the Point San Pablo Peninsula.  The project would complement land use development throughout the Point San Pablo Peninsula by providing low-cost commute alternatives, and by connecting the peninsula with City of Richmond greenways, parks, and shoreline developments.

  • Pavement Rehabilitation Project


The city’s striping contractor, Chrisp Company, was on site last week to place lane lines on Carlson Boulevard.  They also finished all the removal and layout for the additional striping on Carlson Boulevard.  Other work that was completed during the past week was finishing the striping layout on Wall Avenue, removal of a right-turn arrow on Marina Bay Parkway, and removal of the crosswalk at East Richmond Avenue.

  • Traffic Safety Improvements Project


Republic ITS began construction on this project in November 2011.  The project consists of the installation of median islands, striping and other traffic safety measures at various locations around the city.  Republic ITS completed the new stop signs and striping on 26th Street at Andrade Avenue last week.  Within the next three weeks, six new speed tables (a traffic calming device that is longer and flatter than a speed bump) are scheduled to be installed on Roosevelt Avenue between 27th and 42nd Streets.  A new traffic circle is also scheduled to be installed at the intersection of 30th Street and Clinton Avenue.  The entire project will be completed by Spring 2012.

  • Annual Sewer Pipeline Repair and Rehabilitation Projects


The Engineering Services Department and Veolia continued work on the 2011/2012 annual sewer pipeline repair and rehabilitation project.  A summary of work in progress is listed below:

Installed 8” Mainlines

Paving Completed

Work Scheduled This Week

Work Scheduled This Week (continued)

Work Scheduled for Next Week

Work Scheduled for Next Week (continued)

44th Street between Roosevelt and Wilson Avenues

Waller Avenue between South 35th and South 39th Streets

40th Street between Roosevelt and Wilson Avenues

Alley between Barrett and Ripley Avenues and 4th and 5th Streets

39th Street between Roosevelt and Wilson Avenues

Creely Path between Ells Street and Creely Avenue

Wilson Avenue between Garvin and Clinton Avenues

South 39th Street from Wall to Ohio Avenues

39th Street between Roosevelt and Wilson Avenues

Ells Lane between Fallon and Creely Paths

Roosevelt between 41st and 44th Streets

Alameda Avenue between South 56th and South 55th Avenues

11th Street between Barrett and Roosevelt Avenues

Wall Avenue between South 42nd and South 49th Streets

Delfino Avenue between Cottage and Santa Fe Avenues

Marine Street between Lobos and Golden Gate Avenues

43rd and 42nd Streets between Roosevelt and Wilson Avenues

Potrero Avenue between Carlson Boulevard and South 41st Street

Hawthorne Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets

Intersection of Wall Avenue and South 37th Street

South 47th Street between Wall and Florida Avenues

21st Street between Bart tracks and Chanslor Avenue

Cutting Boulevard at South 3rd Street

Western Drive to Keller Beach Park

7th Street between Hawthorne and Maple Avenues


Center Avenue between South 39th and South 41st Streets

Esmond Avenue between 15th and 17th Streets

Western Drive between Santa Fe Avenue and Cliffside Court

Chanslor Avenue at 16th Street

33rd Street between Nevin and Barrett Avenues


Wilson Avenue between 44th Street and Garvin Avenue

20th Street between Grant and Burbeck Avenues

Bissell Way at Bissell Avenue


Florida Avenue between South 23rd Street and railroad  tracks


Belvedere and Crest Avenues near Western Drive

38th Street between Roosevelt and Cerrito Avenues



Roosevelt Avenue between 38th and 41st Streets


36th Street between Nevin and Barrett Avenues

South 36th Street between Cutting Boulevard and Wall Avenue





Clinton Avenue between 33rd and 34th Streets

Humboldt Street between Dimm Street and Zara Avenue



Any questions related to the ongoing 2011/2012 annual sewer pipeline repair and rehabilitation project may be directed to Mr. Fadi Alabbas at (925) 323-8937.  Those interested may also follow our daily Twitter updates at www.twitter.com/CoR_Engineering.

  • Public Works Updates


Parks and Landscaping Division:  The Parks Division met with and provided a tour to officials from California State Parks.  This tour was part of an application package submitted for Proposition 84 grant funds.  If the City of Richmond receives the Proposition 84 grant, the funds will be used to rehabilitate Wendell and Martin Luther King, Jr. Parks, and create a new park along the Richmond Greenway.  Grant awards will be announced in the spring of 2012.

During the past week, crews completed the Bay Trail landscape rehabilitation project in the Marina; completed vegetation maintenance at Fairmede Park, and at Holly and JoAnn Path; cleaned up vegetation on the Richmond Parkway above the Giant Highway overpass; and the tree crew cut trees on 18th Street and at State Court Park.

Next week, crews will begin work on the retaining wall at the Richmond Plunge; work on drainage improvements along Sea Cliff Drive by the Bay Trail; plant wildflowers along Carlson Boulevard medians; and install mulch in the center medians along Cutting Boulevard.  The tree crew will perform tree maintenance along Key Boulevard, Chanslor Avenue and on Kern Street.

Facilities Maintenance Division:  The carpenters completed the Facility Condition Index (FCI) Report at six community centers, and repaired doors at the auditorium and at Fire Station No. 67.  The stationary engineers repaired the ADA restroom stalls at the Booker T. Anderson Community Center, and repaired the water supply to the women’s water closets at 440 Civic Center Plaza.

Utility workers completed the waxing of the floors at the Booker T. Anderson Community Center; completed pest control work at various locations; and completed the cleaning of the carpets at the Hilltop Parks office.  Painters completed painting the first level corridor at the auditorium; painted the resource room at the Richmond Art Center; and painted the damaged ceiling within the KCRT office.

Next week, the painters will begin painting the interior of the Point Richmond Community Center.

Streets Division:  Crews completed the resurfacing of Sonoma Street from Clinton Avenue to Hazel Avenue, and repaired potholes throughout the city.

Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CCB65A.29FE5F30
Sonoma Street and Clinton Avenue

Description: cid:image002.jpg@01CCB65A.29FE5F30
Sonoma Street and Sierra Avenue

Next week, crews will resurface Chanslor Avenue from Espee Avenue to Marina Way, and 20th and 21st Streets between Espee and Chanslor Avenues.


Feel free to contact the City Manager if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.

Have a great week!


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Lisa Carter, Executive Secretary II, for
Leslie T. Knight, Assistant City Manager/HRM Director, for

Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA  94804-1630
Phone:     510-620-6512
Fax:         510-620-6542
e-mail:      bill_lindsay@ci.richmond.ca.us