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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending November 25th, 2011 November 23, 2011 |
Mayor and Councilmembers: This is the weekly report for the week ending November 25th, 2011.
The next meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th. Enjoy the week off.
This past summer, 1,539 children registered for “One World, Many Stories,” the Summer Reading Game at the Richmond Public Library. Eighty-seven schools throughout West Contra Costa County and beyond were represented. In order to complete the game and receive all prizes, children were asked to read for a minimum of 10 hours over the summer, write about three of the books they read, and visit the library three times. Children read for a combined total of nearly 9,000 hours! Four hundred twenty-two girls and 330 boys finished the program, for a completion rate of 45%. The elementary school with the highest participation was Peres Elementary School in Richmond. We congratulate all the children who participated in the Summer Reading Game, and thank their parents and teachers for their support in enabling the children to visit our libraries and the bookmobile on a regular basis.
The City of Richmond and Marin Energy Authority will host a community meeting to inform all Richmond residents and community members about the city’s interest in Community Choice Aggregation. Community Choice Aggregation is a system that allows local governments to procure electric energy for residents and businesses. This system would, in turn, provide customers with a choice of energy purchase options, including remaining with PG&E or selecting other “green” energy sources. The city is considering an option to join the Marin Energy Authority and participate in Marin Clean Energy, which is currently the only Community Choice Aggregation program in California. Marin Clean Energy provides 27% renewable energy, over 10% more than PG&E currently provides, at comparable rates. Please consider attending the meeting to find out more about the Marin Clean Energy Program and provide input for the city’s evaluation of participating in Community Choice Aggregation. The meeting will take place in the City Council Chambers at 440 Civic Center Plaza on Wednesday, November 30th, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Please RSVP at: http://ccacommunityworkshop.eventbrite.com. More information about Community Choice Aggregation, including staff reports and past presentations, can be found at: www.richmondenvironment.org.
Parks and Landscaping Division: During the past week, crews began mowing along the greenway; installed a new bench at the Macdonald Avenue and Marina Way bus stop; completed the mulching of vegetation at various medians throughout the Hilltop Assessment District; repaired vandalized play equipment at the Stewart Play Lot; placed redwood chips in various medians in the Hilltop area; and the tree maintenance crew installed holiday lights at Triangle Park in Point Richmond, and removed multiple trees on Morningside Drive and throughout the city. Next week, crews will begin work to install play sand at Vincent Park; continue with the Bay Trail landscape rehabilitation project with additional planting; continue the weed abatement and manage vegetation along the Richmond Parkway; and will complete the mulching around Civic Center Plaza and John F. Kennedy Park. Facilities Maintenance Division: This week, installation work began on perimeter lighting at Shields-Reid Park, and the electricians have been working with PG&E to restore the Potrero and Sheldon area series lighting. The utility workers have replaced broken toilet seats at the Booker T. Anderson Community Center; prepared to clean the carpets at the Westside Library and the Parks Office at Hilltop, and continued the waxing of the floors at the May Valley and Booker T. Anderson Community Centers and the Recreation Complex. Equipment Services Division: A new attenuator vehicle, “crash cushion,” has been acquired and placed into service. This vehicle will be utilized in areas throughout the city where higher rates of speed are allowed. The vehicle will serve to protect crews as they work to sweep, stripe or replace street lamps in areas such as the Richmond Parkway.
Streets Division: During the past week, paving crews have been working from the pothole list. Next week, crews will be paving Bayview Avenue from Ellis Street to South 55th Street, and paving the Booker T. Anderson Community Center parking lot. Reminder that there will be no street sweeping of the Richmond Annex, Parkview/Panhandle Annex and Eastshore areas due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
* * * * * Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you. Have a great Thanksgiving and a great week!
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
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