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  CEQA 101 and New BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines
October 17, 2011

CEQA 101 and New BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines
Richmond logoChevron Revised Renewal Project EIR

Join Us for an Educational Session:

October 19, 2011
6 pm to 8 pm
City Council Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza

This workshop will cover the basic concepts and methods used to evaluate a proposed project’s potential effects on the environment under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD) CEQA Guidelines, which provide specific guidance about assessing significant impacts on air quality and public health, will also be reviewed.

  • Overview of CEQA, its objectives, and the EIR process.
  • General methods for determining whether a change in the environment will result in a significant impact

        under CEQA.

    • How is it determined if mitigation is necessary and what is feasible?
    • BAAQMD methods used to measure and mitigate air quality and public health impacts including greenhouse gases, criteria air pollutant, and toxic air contaminants.