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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending September 2nd, 2011 September 3, 2011 |
This is the weekly report for the week ending September 2nd, 2011.
The next City Council Meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, September 13th.
On Saturday, August 27th, three Richmond Fire Department personnel, Battalion Chief Merlin Turner, Captain Elizabeth Dedios and Engineer Rico Rincon, were deployed to New York City to assist with the disaster planning and management of Hurricane Irene. They were accompanied by 31 other members of the East Bay Incident Management Team (EBIMT) which is comprised of representatives from fire agencies throughout Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. An Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) request for the EBIMT’s services was received on Friday, August 26th, from the City of New York’s Office of Emergency Management. While the team has been in existence for over five years, and is highly trained and prepared for these types of events, this was their first opportunity to provide help outside of California. The EBIMT’s initial assignment was to provide assistance in the New York City EOC, located in Brooklyn, before and during the hurricane. Once the storm passed on Monday, August 29th, they were divided into two teams and reassigned to assist with planning and logistical support in two heavily damaged areas of upper state New York – Essex County and Delaware County. Some of their current activities include damage assessment, resource ordering and recovery planning. The EBIMT members may be deployed as long as fourteen days. All of their costs are reimbursed through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, also known as FEMA.
The Planning and Building Services Department’s staff developed a preliminary Soft Story inventory for multi-family properties in the City of Richmond. A Soft Story building is typically an apartment building with a weak or soft open front, with tuck-under parking, or an open cavity. The Planning and Building Divisions held a community workshop on Earthquake Hazard Reduction and Soft Story Buildings on August 31st, in the Council Chambers. The workshop included presentations by representatives from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), Enginious Engineering, and participation by local structural engineers and the California Apartment Association. The workshop also provided information on the potential risks and hazards of Soft Story buildings, information about financial and professional resources for interested property owners, and discussed best practices and existing Soft Story Ordinances in neighboring cities. Interested property owners can access information and resources at the following link: http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/building
Congratulations to the Office of Neighborhood Safety Director, DeVone L. Boggan, who will be receiving the 2011 “Young Public Administrator of the Year Award” from the National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA). An awards banquet honoring Mr. Boggan will be held in the Bay Area some time in November 2011.
Blossoms & Thorns: The Legacy of Richmond’s Historic Japanese American Nurseries, which exhibited at the Richmond Art Center from September through December 2010, is now at the Contra Costa County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez, California. The exhibition will be shown from July 21st through September 16th. The building is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and closed on the weekends. There will be a special reception on Saturday, September 10th, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend. Please share this information with your friends, family, and people on your mailing lists.
The contractor completed the new cement-treatment mixing with the subgrade last week, and the curing time is now complete. The next two weeks will concentrate on constructing the new median curbs prior to paving in mid-September.
Facilities Maintenance Division: Electricians replaced lighting and a CCTV pole at Carlson and Cutting Boulevards. They also conducted re-lamping on San Pablo Avenue. Painters painted the Main Library’s main reading room, and carpenters and stationary engineers supported setting up the Plunge Bulkhead.
Parks and Landscaping Division: This week, staff completed vegetation management on Hilltop Drive, at Mira Vista Park, and city lots adjacent to De Anza High School; cleared vegetation from the bike lane on Castro Road; and assisted with the unloading and delivery of the Plunge Bulkhead. Next week, crews will conduct landscape maintenance at John F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicholl Parks; irrigation repairs at Parchester Park, Blume Avenue/Auto Plaza Drive, San Pablo Avenue at Hilltop Drive and, Southside Park; continue vegetation control along the Richmond Parkway; and will mow around the Hilltop Lake and the Hilltop Landscape Maintenance District’s fire fuel areas. The tree trimming crew will also work at various locations throughout the city.
Streets Division: This week, paving crews completed resurfacing Florida Avenue from Harbour Way to South 11th Street, and South 11th Street from Florida Avenue to Ohio Avenue. City sweepers, in coordination with Code Enforcement, swept the Richmond Parkway.
Next week, because of the holidays, the paving crews will be conducting pothole repairs throughout the city. The sign and lines crews will be working on repainting STOP messages and bars on San Jose, San Luis, Tehama, Alameda and San Joaquin Avenues, and on Carlson Boulevard.
Tennis: The Recreation Department’s Boys’, ages 15 and under, tennis team captured the bronze medal in the 2011 United States Tennis Association’s Northern California Jr. Sectional Championships in Fresno, California. They became the first team in the East Bay League to ever receive a medal. Also during the season, the team went undefeated, winning all league matches. Congratulations!
Feel free to contact the City Manager if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you. Have a great week
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Lisa Carter, Executive Secretary II, for Bill Lindsay
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