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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Two Weeks Ending August 5th, 2011 August 6, 2011 |
Mayor and Councilmembers: This is the weekly report for the two weeks ending August 5th, 2011.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13th. I trust that everyone has begun enjoying their August meeting break.
For the fourth year in a row, the City of Richmond has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). Awarded for the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), the Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. The CAFR was judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, including demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR.
Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs: Sidewalk repairs at four locations in Pt. Richmond have been completed. The contractor is currently working in the Richmond Annex neighborhood and has completed four locations of sidewalk repairs. Over the next two weeks an additional five sidewalks will be repaired in addition to constructing four curb ramps. The contractor will revisit the Annex neighborhood for future sidewalk repairs. Winehaven Emergency Structural Stabilization: Building 6 is the last remaining structure to be stabilized. Work to remove failed structures, sub-ceiling, and debris has exposed structures to remain. A thorough re-evaluation of these exposed structures has been performed and it has been determined that some of the originally planned repairs are not needed; however, several other new failures were identified. As a result, several major structural shoring elements will require relocation and additional minor structural shoring will need to be erected. The contractor is preparing a proposal to cover for this additional work.
EBMUD has completed the paving of West Richmond Avenue. The City has taken possession of the “Wig Wag” and it is being stored at the Corporation Yard. The railroad company (BNSF) and EBMUD are coordinating the pending reconstruction of the planter, the median, and the “Wig Wag.” A reconstruction schedule will be provided to the City once both entities work out all the details.
Facilities Maintenance Division: Two weeks ago, carpenters completed replacing the ceiling tiles at the Disabled People’s Recreation Center (DPRC). The painters completed painting the exterior of the DPRC and completed painting and replacing the floor replacement at the Pool Room at the Senior Center. The Electrical Section completed tuning up traffic signals timing on Cutting Boulevard and repairing lights at the auditorium. This past week, carpenters completed repairing storefront doors at the Swim and Art Centers; painted the flag pole at the Disabled People’s Recreation Center (DPRC); repaired all broken shower valves at the Plunge; relamped the auditorium; replaced street light at 2738 Wizwall Avenue; completed the installation of new ceiling fans and parking lights at the Senior Center and relamped broken acorn light globes in the Marina.
Senior Center Pool Room Parks and Landscaping Division: During the past two weeks, staff opened the putting green and installed the picnic tables at Nicholl Park and completed fire prevention vegetation management at all fire trails. They also performed pruning at Mira Vista Park; and weeding and pruning at May Valley Community Center and Burg Park. Nicholl Park Picnic Tables In addition, staff completed vegetation management at fire trails; prepped Lamoine, Tiller and Southside Parks for the National Night Out event; completed fence repairs at Nicholl Park and the Greenway; and performed weed abatement at the Richmond Parkway from Giant Road to Parr Boulevard. Next week, crews will work on graffiti removal in the Hilltop area; continue with the Richmond Parkway weed abatement; spread mulching on Cutting Boulevard; and do weed abatement at Wendell Park and Humboldt Play Lot. Most recently, the tree trimming crew has been working at La Moine Park, Santa Clara, Carl Avenues and South 17th Street. The tree trimming crew will be working next week on Kern, Ohio and Esmond Avenues, 25th and 27th Streets, Atlas Road and Shane Drive. Streets Division: During the past two weeks, paving crews completed the resurfacing of 12th Street from Barrett to Pennsylvania Avenues. Paving crews also completed the resurfacing of Grandview Court, Contra Costa Street and Clarence Street in the Point Richmond neighborhood. Next week, crews will resurface 10th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Lincoln Avenue in front of the Lucas Park as part of the Health and Wellness Program.
The July 27th Music on the Main Concert was outstanding! More than 300 concert attendees enjoyed rhythm & blues from featured performers Jesse James and Ray McCoy. In addition, the crowd was entertained by Hula Ohana Hokulani, Hula Dance Group. The evening was filled with music, food, dancing, arts & crafts vendors, face painting and jump houses. The next Music on the Main concert is Wednesday, August 24th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Music on the Main
Economic Development staff of the Richmond Community Redevelopment Agency help administer a revolving loan fund to aid small business, with funding for this program provided by the Economic Development Administration. At its July 27, 2011 meeting, the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Board approved a $50,000 loan to S & S Towing and Trucking Service, LLC. The loan funds will provide permanent working capital to hire three new employees to support new hauling contracts and place non-operational trucks back in service. S&S Towing and Trucking is a 25-year Richmond business with towing contracts with police departments in Contra Costa County cities, including Richmond. S & S was recently awarded a 5-year contract to haul gravel and base rock from the Caldecott Tunnel to dump at Treasure Island. The RLF was able to provide the financing to S & S Towing to support this contract when the company was declined for financing by their bank. The RLF has earmarked $50,000 under the Revolving Loan Fund Program to be used to assist small businesses with upgrading to energy-efficient lighting. Lighting can constitute as much as 50% the business energy cost, and installation of energy efficient lighting can be a good way to improve the bottom line for businesses. City Staff will work with the businesses to review the Energy Audit and cost analysis showing loan repayment ability. Access to a free Energy Audit can be found at www.Smartlights.org.
In 2007, 2009 and 2011, the Richmond City Council approved enrolling in the National Research Center’s (NRC) National Citizen Survey (NCS) program. The program provides for a statistically valid resident survey in which questionnaires are sent to a random sample of 3,000 Richmond households. The purpose of the survey is to help city officials evaluate services, measure resident satisfaction with current services, and to help plan for Richmond’s future. Households that were not one of the 3,000 households selected for the 2011 survey still have a chance to provide feedback. The 2011 Richmond Community Survey can now be completed by all Richmond residents. The on-line survey can be accessed at: http://www.n-r-c.com/survey/richmondsurvey.htm. To-date, the city has received 243 responses to this survey addendum. Residents may also contact the city at (510) 620-5458 with questions, comments, or to obtain a survey in Spanish.
Cooking: The DPRC participants made homemade ice cream and welcomed back their music therapist with homemade brownies last week. Fairyland: The Pt. Richmond Community Center staff escorted the Kids ‘N’ Motion participants to Fairyland in Oakland. Senior Idol: Staff members have begun working with the Arts Commission and the Commission on Aging to plan the highly anticipated Senior Idol singing competition. Sailing: The Recreation Complex Kids ‘N’ Motion summer camp has participated in three sailing excursions, which culminated on Thursday, July 28th, to the Treasure Island Sailing Center. Once on board, the campers were able to steer the boat, trim the sails and enjoy sailing the San Francisco Bay. Bike Rides: In collaboration with Trips for Kids, the Recreation Complex Kids ‘N’ Motion participants went on two mountain bike rides at Point Pinole Regional Park. Trips for Kids provided bikes, helmets, gloves and water bottles to each participant.
* * * * * Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you. Have a great week!
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx Bill Lindsay
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