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Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour Registration Closes Soon April 8, 2011 |
If you have not yet registered for the free Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour (which takes place on Sunday, May 1) – please do so now! The first mailing of the garden guide will go out soon soon; registering now at http://www.bringingbackthenatives.net/ will ensure that you receive your guide early. In addition, this event is expected to fill; registering now will reserve your place on the tour. If you have already registered please do not do so again. It is expensive to mail out extra guides, and time-consuming to remove duplicate registrations. Not sure if you registered or not? Please check your In-box and Spam box for an e-mail from Kathy@KathyKramerconsulting.net. Volunteers are needed to spend a morning or afternoon greeting tour participants and answering questions about natives. Complete the Volunteer section of the registration form if you would like to help out this year. Benefits to volunteers include: invitations to Garden Soirees, in which tour gardens are open to hosts and volunteers; a pre-tour meeting with the owner and private tour of the garden you will be staffing; a guaranteed tour reservation for the half day you are free; a Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour t-shirt, and, perhaps best of all, heartfelt thanks for helping to educate the general public about the many pleasures and benefits of gardening with California native plants. You can browse the website at http://www.bringingbackthenatives.net/preview-2011-gardens to choose the garden you would like to be assigned to. For more information, please e-mail Kathy Kramer at Kathy@KathyKramerConsulting.net, or call (510) 236-9558 between 9 am and 9 pm. A variety of bird- and butterfly-friendly, pesticide-free, water conserving, low maintenance gardens that contain 50% or more native plants will be open on Sunday, May 1, 2011, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at various locations throughout Alameda and Contra Costa counties. More than 50 garden talks will be scheduled throughout the day. Visit http://www.bringingbackthenatives.net/ and browse the "Preview the Gardens" section to read garden descriptions, view garden photos, and more. While admission is free, registration is required.
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