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Another Great Ahwahnee Conference March 20, 2011 |
I just returned (barely) from another inspirational weekend in Yosemite at the Local Government Commission “Building Livable Communities” conference (also known as “The Ahwahnee Conference”). I say “barely” because we left in a blinding snowstorm, and two of the three exits from Yosemite were closed. The only route open was Highway 140 down the Merced River Canyon, and it was all but blocked from multiple rockslides. Below, cascade flooding into the Merced River Canyon Janet Abelson of the El Cerrito City Council accompanied Shirley and me to the weekend event, which was somewhat special because it marked the 20th anniversary of The Ahwahnee Principles, a visionary declaration adopted at Yosemite in 1991 that heralded the advent of Smart Growth, the Congress for New Urbanism and the Livable Communities movement that has long since gone mainstream (for most of us) and is now embedded into both California and Federal public policy. Below, Yosemite falls on the First Day of Spring.
Jean Quan, who succeeded me as chair of the LGC, opened the conference on Friday night after a pre-conference session the night before. As usual , the conference featured a cast of leading state policy implementers and private practitioners. The keynote talk on Friday night was by Shelley Poticha, Director for Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. From Jerry Brown’s government came Heather Fargo, Executive Director, California Strategic Growth Council, Panama Bartholomy, Deputy Director, California Energy Commission and John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources. The high point was probably a pair of presentations on Saturday night, first by Congress for New Urbanism co-founder Peter Katz, now Director of Smart Growth/Urban Planning for Sarasota, FL and Michael Freedman, Principal, Freedman Tung + Sasaki Urban Design of San Francisco. Not in any particular order are the following excerpts from m my notes: