Marin County Supervisor Charles McGlashan will be making a presentation to the Richmond City Council Finance Committee this Friday, March 4, at 9:00 AM in the City Council Chamber on Marin Clean Energy, the first California implementation of Community Choice Aggregation. The public is invited to attend.
There is a possibility that Richmond could become an across-the-Bay expansion of Marin Clean Energy.

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), as defined by AB 117, permits any city, county or city and county to aggregate the electric loads of residents, businesses and municipal facilities to facilitate the purchase and sale of electrical energy. Prior to AB 117, individual customer participation in electric load aggregation programs required their positive written declaration indicating their choice to participate (opt-in programs). In contrast, CCA under AB 117 provides for aggregating customer loads within city or county boundaries, but each customer is given an opportunity to leave their community's aggregation program and thereby continue to be served by the incumbent distribution utility (opt-out program). If a customer makes no negative declaration, that customer is served through the CCA program. This is a major departure from previous aggregation structures as it frees the aggregator from the need to market the program and ensures wide-scale customer participation.