Grant Awarded to SS Red Oak Victory

Photo: Ken Osborne
Richmond Museum Association Receives Maximum Award To Take SS Red Oak Victory Into Drydock
On February 1, 2011, the National Park Service (NPS) announced the awarding of $14.3 Million in federal competitive Save America's Treasures grants, and advised Congressman George Miller that the SS Red Oak Victory, berthed at the Port of Richmond in Richmond, California received the highest award possible, $700,000.
According to First Lady Michelle Obama, "These Save America's Treasures grants will preserve the physical fabric of our history and the rich diversity of America's story, as told by its artists, scholars, and other notable figures. These awards also honor the hundreds of volunteers, organizations, and communities whose energy and investment are ensuring that this national legacy endures for generations to come." Read more >
The only remaining ship of its class, the SS Red Oak Victory was launched in 1944 from Kaiser’s Richmond, California shipyard as an ammunition carrier. The Victory class ships were faster than their Liberty predecessors and could outrun the submarine wolf packs during World War II. This SAT award will help complete the final stage of an 18-year, volunteer-driven project and support restoration of the hull, engine and boiler room.