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Richmond Housing Element Community Workshop November 8 November 7, 2010 |
The Planning Division will be hosting a community workshop on November 8th, 2010 to receive public input on the draft goals, policies and actions that will be part of the General Plan Housing Element. The workshop will be from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM and will be held in the City Council Chambers located at 440 Civic Center Plaza in Richmond. The draft goals, policies and actions are available for review at www.cityofrichmondgeneralplan.org. Questions can be directed to Hector Rojas, Associate Planner at (510) 620-6662 and hector_rojas@ci.richmond.ca.us. For information, contact: Hector J. Rojas, LEED® AP 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 tel: 510.620.6662 | fax: 510.620.6858web: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/planning