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  The Political Endorsement Game - Winners and Losers
November 4, 2010

Part of every campaign website and every campaign mailer is a list of the candidate’s endorsements. The endorsing organization hopes to play on its influence to boost its candidates, and every candidate hopes to benefit from an endorsement that may bring voters, money, or both.

So how did endorsers fare in the Richmond campaign ending November 2?

  • There was only one clear winner, the E-FORUM, which called 100% with 6 out of 6: McLaughlin, Rogers, Booze, Beckles, No on Measure U and Yes on Measure V.
  • In second place would be the Stop the Mega Casino PAC, which at 80% endorsed Beckles, Martinez, Booze and McLaughlin as well as No on Measure U. Only Martinez lost.
  • In third place is the Richmond Progressive Alliance, calling 3 out of four at 75%, with McLaughlin, Beckles, Martinez and No on Measure U. Only Martinez lost.
  • Next is the Sierra Club, with 67 %, backing Viramontes, McLaughlin and Beckles. Viramontes lost. Also at 67% is the East Bay Express with McLaughlin, Beckles and Martinez.
  • Richmond  Local 188 and RPOA, joined at the hip, both scored 33% with Bates, Viramontes and Rogers. Only Rogers won.
  • Contra Costa Central Labor Council and Contra Costa Times tied at 25%. The Contra Costa Central Labor Council endorsed Viramontes, Ziesenhenne Rogers and Lopez, scoring only Rogers. The Contra Costa Times listed Lopez, Viramontes, McLaughlin and Finlay, winning their only smart pick, McLaughlin.
  • The list of those organizations that were skunked is unusually long this year and includes BAPAC (Bates, Lopez, Viramontes harris and Finlay), BMW (Bates, Harris and Finlay), Contra Costa Democratic Central Committee (Viramontes, Harris and Ziesenhenne), Richmond Fire Management (Bates and Lopez), RichPac/Richmond Chamber of Commerce (Viramontes, Harris, Ziesenhenne, Finlay and Yes on Measure U), Jobs Now – Chevron (Lopez and Viramontes) and Get Richmond Working – Chevron (Bates).


There were lots of other endorsers, but based on the records I could find, they only endorsed one or two candidates and therefore were not considered major players.

The candidates with the most endorsements were Viramontes and Bates, whose list of organizations and politicians were mind numbing. They also were the beneficiaries of the most campaign spending, exceeding $1 million form Chevron, alone.

What does it all mean? You tell me.