By Lisa Vorderbrueggen
Wednesday, October 20th, 2010 at 11:40 am in 2010 election, Richmond.

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., opposes Measure U in Richmond, an advisory measure seeking voters’ preference on a proposed Indian casino at Point Molate.
Here is her statement put out a few minutes ago by the opposition camp:
The coalition opposed to Measure U and a future Mega Casino on Richmond’s Point Molate continues to grow with today’s announcement that California’s Senior U.S. Senator, Dianne Feinstein, has taken a public position against the proposed development.
“I’m opposed to Measure U because the Casino plan for Richmond’s Point Molate is just wrong. Wrong for Richmond, wrong for the East Bay shoreline environment, and it sets the wrong precedent for our state when it comes to off-reservation gaming casinos. No on Measure U- It’s a bad deal for Richmond,” Feinstein said.
Senator Feinstein joins Richmond community members, conservationists, small business owners and the United Auburn Indian community in fighting the developer-funded Measure U. More information regarding the No on Measure U campaign can be found at