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  Richmond Bike Plan Premier!
October 12, 2010

Come to the PREMIERE of Richmond's Bike Plan final draft for your review and discussion.  Please invite every cyclist in town and spread the word!!

Special Meeting: EAT LOOK TALK - Bike Plan Premiere! Review & discussion of the final draft conducted by Fehr & Peers
Date:  Monday, October 18, 2010
Time:  6:00 - 8:00 p. m.
Place:  Multi-purpose Room, downstairs from the City Council Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA. 94804

Even if you don't ride a bike, there are at least a couple of good reasons to be excited about a Richmond Bike Plan:
- The bike plan goes hand in hand with traffic calming, so if you have concerns about traffic in Richmond, the bike plan will address some of those issues.
- When streets are safer for cycling and people are encouraged to bicycle, there will be more "eyes on the street" and neighborhoods will be a little safer for everyone.

So come out and show your support!  There will be refreshments to mark the occasion. Spanish translation will be provided.

More info and a link to preview the Bike Plan at www.richmondbpac.org
 Contact: Richmond planner Kieron Slaughter 510 620-6887 Kieron_Slaughter@ci.richmond.ca.us