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Richmond Selected for Urban Greening Grant September 30, 2010 |
The Strategic Growth Council awarded grants for Urban Greening PLANNING at their September 1st meeting, Richmond was selected for a grant for $225,040 to “Implement neighborhood design standards, ensure survivability of trees, develop private tree planting program in residential neighborhoods, implement citywide landscaping and lighting maintenance districts and promote urban agriculture as a strategy to address childhood obesity and improve food access.” The grant application was prepared by recently retired Parks Superintendent Tony Norris, Senior Planner Lina Velasco and MIG. More information about Sustainable California below: Sustainable California
SB 375 Final Targets Adopted
On September 23, 2010, the California Air Resources Board(ARB) after hours of public testimony adopted SB 375 greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets for automobiles and light trucks. Senate Bill 375 (Steinberg, Statutes of 2008) enhances California's ability to achieve its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets (AB 32) by promoting sustainable land use and transportation plans that reduce GHGs. ARB adopted the following per-capita emissions reduction targets by the years 2020 and 2035: Each participating California MPO will now prepare a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) that demonstrates how the region will meet its ARB-approved GHG reduction target through integrated land use, housing and transportation planning. Once adopted by the MPO, the SCS will be incorporated into that region's federally enforceable Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). ARB is also required to review each final SCS to determine whether it would, if implemented, achieve the GHG reduction target for its region. If the combination of measures in the SCS will not meet the region’s target, the MPO must prepare a separate Alternative Planning Strategy (APS) to meet the target. The APS is not a part of the RTP. Please click through for more information, today’s ARB staff presentation, and the ARB news release related to this item. For news coverage see California writing new rules on greenhouse gas, sprawl. Strategic Growth Council Updates Urban Greening Grants Sustainable Communities Planning Grants The SGC application deadline for the Sustainable Communities Planning grants was August 31st. The Technical Advisory Committee will be reviewing and ranking the proposals and expect to have a list of recommended awards by November 1st for consideration by the SGC at the November 10th meeting. It is anticipated that this may get delayed to the December 1st meeting. Strategic Growth Council September 1st Meeting Synopsis · SGC approved staff recommendations for Urban Greening PLANNING Grant awards (see above) Sustainable California Access the website and tell us what you think: Sustainable California This service is free and provided by Conservation Strategy Group. For questions or comments, please contact Connie Gallippi at connie@csgcalifornia.com