Your Opportunity to Learn What Local Companies Are Doing to Prevent Accidents
The California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program requires companies with regulated chemicals to submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP). Contra
Costa County’s Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO) and the City of Richmond’s Industrial Safety Ordinance (RISO) require regulated facilities to submit a
Safety Plan (SP). Risk Management Plans and Safety Plans include:
• A description of the hazardous materials present,
• The accident prevention programs in place,
• The facility’s emergency response program, and
• The management systems in place to implement the overall program.
The CalARP Program requires Contra Costa Hazardous Materials Programs (CCHMP) to perform document reviews and audits to ensure companies are in compliance
with the CalARP/ISO/RISO regulations, and are following the programs in the RMP and Safety Plans. A forty-five day public comment period for the RMPs, SPs,
and Preliminary Audit Findings listed below begins on September 15, 2010 and will end on October 29, 2010. These documents may be reviewed at the Contra
Costa Health Services Hazardous Materials Programs Office located at 4585 Pacheco Blvd., Suite 100 in Martinez. Please call (925) 335-3200 to schedule an
appointment. They are also available for review at the Main Richmond Library and Point Richmond Library.
- Chevron Safety Plan
- General Chemical Richmond West Preliminary Audit Findings & Safety Plan
Under the Contra Costa County ISO and the City of Richmond’s RISO, CCHMP is required to have a public meeting on the Safety Audit of ISO/RISO facilities.
CCHMP will have booths at:
- West County Emergency Preparedness Fair at Hilltop Mall in Richmond, CA on September 25, 2010, for the review of General Chemical Richmond Safety Plan
and preliminary audit findings, and Chevron Richmond Refinery Safety Plan from 10:00 am-2:00 pm.
Your written comments, postmarked no later than October 29, 2010, should be sent via email to ( or to the following address:
Contra Costa Health Services
Hazardous Materials Programs
c/o Randy Sawyer
4585 Pacheco Blvd., Suite 100
Martinez, CA 94553
Contra Costa Health Services will respond to all written comments. Contra Costa Health Services will hold public meetings to discuss RMPs or Preliminary
Audit Findings if there is sufficient public interest. Contra Costa Health Services will incorporate all written comments into the RMP reviews or Final
Audit Findings as appropriate.
If you want to receive this information, want to add someone to our list of concerned citizens, or want to remove your information from our
list, please send us an email at: or fax us at 925-646-2073 and include the following pertinent information:
* Name
* Tell us what you want changed
For example,
* Send me an email instead of paper
* Add someone to our interested party list
* Remove my name and information
* Send me information relevant to only where I live
* City or zip code where you live
If you have additional questions or concerns, please email us at the address above, or contact Randy Sawyer at the number and address listed in the
announcement for the public comment period listed below.