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New Orleans Five Years After Katrina August 30, 2010 |
The news yesterday was full of Katrina stories, with August 29 being the fifth anniversary of the landfall of Katrina in New Orleans (“5 Years After Katrina, a Revival Not Yet Complete” and “Memories of Chaos, Rebirth 5 Years After Katrina”) I was reminded of the time I spent in New Orleans shortly after Katrina and reported in the November 13, 2006 E-FORUM: Report on a Week in New Orleans, November 13, 2005. When I was there, the waters had receded, but the city was still unpopulated, there were only limited utilities and other public services, only a handful of businesses were open and devastation was beyond belief. I have been back to New Orleans once since 2005 and noted slow but progressive recovery. When our Katrina comes in the form of “the earthquake,” I hope we are better prepared.