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  New Orleans Five Years After Katrina
August 30, 2010

The news yesterday was full of Katrina stories, with August 29 being the fifth anniversary of the landfall of Katrina in New Orleans (“5 Years After Katrina, a Revival Not Yet Complete” and “Memories of Chaos, Rebirth 5 Years After Katrina”)

I was reminded of the time I spent in New Orleans shortly after Katrina and reported in the November 13, 2006 E-FORUM: Report on a Week in New Orleans, November 13, 2005. When I was there, the waters had receded, but the city was still unpopulated, there were only limited utilities and other public services, only a handful of businesses were open and devastation was beyond belief.

 I have been back to New Orleans once since 2005 and noted slow but progressive recovery. When our Katrina comes in the form of “the earthquake,” I hope we are better prepared.