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  Sewer Grants Available in Richmond Starting July 1
July 3, 2010

Sewer grants available in Richmond starting July 1

By Katherine Tam
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 06/29/2010 11:33:09 AM PDT
Updated: 06/29/2010 01:21:19 PM PDT
Richmond Sewer grants available: Residents who need financial aid paying for sewer lateral repairs can apply for a grant starting July 1. The city will distribute $100,000 in grants this fiscal year to help repair or replace private mains or laterals. The grants are for reimbursement of up to 50 percent of the repair costs and will be no more than $3,000 each. The city is changing the process for awarding grants. It is no longer first-come, first-served. Instead, officials are switching to a lottery system, with the first round of funds awarded July 31. The city will continue accepting applications through the year, and will use the lottery system as more funds are identified. Residents and tax-exempt public service organizations owning property within the Richmond Sanitary Sewer District can apply. Applications and more information are available at www.ci.richmond.ca.us. or at City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza. Completed applications can be mailed or dropped off at City Hall. Qualifying applications that did not receive funds in the first round will remain on file, and will be considered as more funding becomes available. For questions, call grant coordinators Mary Phelps at 510-621-1269 or Stephen Friday at 510-412-2009. "” Katherine Tam