Mayor Gayle McLaughlin is the first of the incumbents to announce for reelection.
She invites all to the formal campaign kickoff: “It continues to be my greatest honor and privilege to serve as mayor to the wonderful people of Richmond. Please join me and my 2010 re-election campaign on April 17 for a gathering with some very special speakers! Please mark your calendars now. Details are below.”
Gayle McLaughlin for Mayor 2010 Re-Election Campaign invites you to:
"Positive Steps We've Taken in Richmond"
An extraordinary afternoon with Mayor Gayle McLaughlin
Join us to review the many positive steps we've taken toward A Better Richmond
and kick off Gayle's 2010 Road to Re-election
Special Guest Speakers
environmental advocate, civil rights activist and attorney, co-founder of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, the Color of Change, and Green For All; and former Special Advisor for Green Jobs to President Obama.
Chicano political leader and immigrant rights activist, President of the Mexican American Political Association and National Director of Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana
Vice-Mayor, City of Richmond
Saturday, April 17
1:00-3:00 pm
1019 Macdonald Ave.
Richmond, CA
Live music and refreshments.
Children welcome.
Wheelchair accessible