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  City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending February 19th, 2010
February 20, 2010

Mayor and Councilmembers:

This is the weekly report for the week ending February 19th, 2010.

  • Meeting Notes


The next meeting of the Richmond City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, February 23rd, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:00 PM and with the regular agenda (presentations and study sessions) beginning at 6:30 PM.

  • State Energy Program Grants Impact Richmond


The Environmental Initiatives staff of the City Manager’s office participated in two successful joint proposals for State Energy Program (SEP) funds from the California Energy Commission (CEC).  California's SEP is focused on increasing energy efficiency to reduce energy costs and consumption, cutting reliance on imported energy, and reducing energy impacts on the environment.

Staff provided support to Contra Costa County for a proposal led by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) for Residential Building Retrofit Program SEP II funds to implement a regional residential energy retrofit program throughout the Bay Area.  Contra Costa County will receive $1.1 million to provide home energy retrofit services.  Contra Costa County will use the funds to offer subsidized home energy assessments and rebates on the cost of energy efficient improvements to qualifying homeowners proposing to implement home improvement projects that achieve at least a 20% reduction in home energy consumption.  Richmond will partner with the county to promote the program to Richmond residents to ensure their participation in the program.

Richmond also partnered with Energy Solutions, an energy services company based in Oakland, which led a successful proposal effort for municipal and commercial sector SEP III funds.  This proposal was the top scorer out of 70 submitted proposals.  With this grant, Energy Solutions will develop and implement an Energy Technology Assistance Program, a new statewide program that will help local government agencies implement advanced energy efficient technologies.  The program is expected to begin in April 2010 and has a total budget of approximately $6 million to help implement wireless lighting controls, wireless HVAC controls, and bi-level lighting in parking lots and parking garages in local government facilities.  Workforce development and training will also be an important component of the program.  Richmond is slated to receive funding and will continue to partner with Energy Solutions to implement this technology in Richmond’s municipal facilities.

  • Community Representatives Discuss General Plan Revisions


Planning Department staff met recently with community representatives to discuss proposed revisions to the draft General Plan.  Represented organizations included the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP), ACCE, Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organizations (CCISCO), Contra Costa Faith Works, Richmond Equitable Development Initiative (REDI)/Urban Habitat, Central Labor Council, and the East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE).  Executive Director Maria Alegria of Contra Costa Faith Works acted as the meeting facilitator.

The group presented a list of recommended modifications to proposed policies and text.  Planning and legal staff will evaluate the recommended modifications, along with other comments, and incorporate into a revised document those that are consistent with the intent and purpose of the plan.  Modifications that cannot easily be incorporated into the draft will be presented to the City Council at a later date for discussion and direction.

  • Recreation Highlights


  • Black History:  The Senior Center hosted over 120 participants for an evening of celebration, a fashion show and recognition of community and history on Saturday, February 13th at the Richmond Senior Center.
  • Chinese New Year:  The Senior Center’s 7th Annual Chinese New Year Celebration will be held on Saturday, February 20th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium where over 500 participants are expected to attend an evening of food, martial art performances, ballroom dancing, and much more.


  • Yerba Buena Ice Skating:  The Parchester Community Center staff will escort youth participants to the Yerba Buena Ice Skating Center in San Francisco, and a walking tour of Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39 on Friday, February 19th.
  • Youth Sports:  The Youth Sports Program welcomes NFL Running Back Quinton Ganther, of the Washington Redskins, to the Richmond Recreation Complex on Friday, February 19th at 6:00 p.m.  He will be speaking to youth participants about staying in school and being a leader.  Quinton grew up in Richmond and participated in the City of Richmond’s Youth Sports leagues.  The participants and guests will be treated to barbeque from Coach Finley of RPAL who was one of Quinton’s youth coaches.


  • Black History:  The Recreation Department, in celebration of Black History Month, is showing the movie “The Black List,” a series highlighting the accomplishments and perspectives of numerous prominent African-Americans, on Friday, February 19th, at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium at 6:00 PM.  Refreshments will be provided and the entire community is invited to attend free of charge. 
  • Countywide Reentry Planning Initiative Update


Reentry involves the use of programs targeted at promoting the effective reintegration of offenders back to communities upon release from prison and jail.  Reentry programming, which often involves a comprehensive case management approach, is intended to assist offenders in acquiring the life skills needed to succeed in the community and become law-abiding citizens. A variety of programs are used to assist offenders in the reentry process, including pre-release programs, drug rehabilitation and vocational training, and work programs.

As you may recall, the City of Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety is working with Contra Costa County on a reentry planning initiative for the County.  The Reentry Planning Task Force held its second in a series of three meetings on February 10th, focusing on the preparation of two federal Second Chance Act grant applications.  The Task Force brought together a group of county agencies, elected officials, law enforcement, community-based organizations and other reentry stakeholders to discuss how to move the Contra Costa Reentry Planning Initiative forward.  Attendees discussed the preparation of two Second Chance Act applications, incorporating language of their vision for reentry in Contra Costa County and developing a system to inventory reentry services in the county.

The Reentry Planning Initiative will use the Second Chance Act grant applications as an opportunity to begin designing a reentry system for Contra Costa County.  This design work allows the applicants to ensure that their applications are coordinated with one another and with the overall Reentry Planning Initiative, which will extend beyond the submission deadlines.

Additionally, the Task Force discussed building a searchable database of reentry services in the county.  The database also may be used as a searchable tool for referrals of clients to services.  More information about the status of the reentry initiative can be found www.cocoreentry.org.

  • Public Works Updates


  • Construction of Nicholl Park’s new restroom area is moving forward.  The area will be paved next week and permits for the electrical and plumbing plans were approved this week.
  • The Electrical Division continues to work on the street light outages in the Parkview area (Campbell, Fallon, Creely and Fleming Avenues).  Several sections of bad underground wiring have been identified and staff is continuing a thorough check of all wiring in the area.


  • The spring paving program is underway and has begun with Hazel Avenue from Yuba Avenue to the city limits.  Next week the paving crew will prep and pave Ponderosa and Sylvia Court.
  • Industrial Waste Program Annual Report Completed


The Engineering Services Department completed the Industrial Waste Program’s Annual Report for the State of California this week.  Notably, there were no instances of significant non-compliance among any of the industries regulated as part of the City’s Industrial Waste Program.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.

Have a great week!


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Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804-1630
Phone:  510-620-6512
Fax:  510-620-6542
E-mail:  bill_lindsay@ci.richmond.ca.us