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Point Pinole Regional Shoreline Needs Your Input!





The East Bay Regional Park District invites you to participate in a community meeting for a grant application and to discuss future park improvements at

Point Pinole Regional Shoreline*


Attend one of the meetings and share your ideas.

Community meeting dates:

Monday, October 26, 2:00-3:30 p.m.


Community meetings location:

Parchester Community Center

900 Williams Drive, Richmond


Refreshments will be served.


El East Bay Regional Park District lo invita a participar en una reunion de la comunidad para conversar sobre la postulacion a financiamiento y las futuras obras de mejoramiento en Point Pinole Regional Shoreline.


Venga y participe en una de las siguientes reuniones de la comunidad y aproveche la oportunidad para compartir sus ideas.


Fechas de las Reuniones de la Comunidad:


Lunes, Octubre 26, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m


Comida sera servida.




Parchester Community Center

900 Williams Drive, Richmond




* Thank you for your support on Measure WW!

The East Bay Regional Park District is beginning to develop a Master Plan for future improvements at Point Pinole Regional Shoreline.  The plan will include improved access and additional recreation and education opportunities.

These meetings are part of an effort to obtain additional grant funding for future improvements. You are welcome to attend as many meetings as you like, however each meeting will cover the same material. All information will also be posted on our website at www.ebparks.org/Point Pinole future

Notification of State grant project awards expected by October 2010.





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