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Email State Lands Commission Re Bay Trail Mitigation for Chevron Lease

The State Lands Commission will meet December 3 in Sacramento to consider certifying an EIR and granting Chevron a new 30-year lease of State tidelands for continued operation of Long Wharf.  The Richmond City Council has adopted a strong resolution asking the Commission to require Chevron to provide land and pay about half of the cost for the planned Bay Trail to Point  Molate as mitigation for issuance of this lease. 


Please visit TRAC's website where you may easily send send an email asking the State Lands Commission  to respect Richmond City Council Resolution 34-07.  The City of Richmond and the residents of the region should not have to continue suffering the adverse effects Long Wharf operations without mitigation requiring Chevron to help fund a safe Bay Trail connection with Pont Molate.


Thanks very much for supporting completion of the Bay Trail in Richmond!


For questions, contact:


Bruce Beyaert, TRAC Chair


phone/fax 510-235-2835


