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How to Do Business with Chevron November 18, 2008 |
The Chevron Richmond Refinery will host two seminars on "How to Do Business with the Chevron Richmond Refinery." The workshop discussions will include an overview of Chevron, Richmond Renewal Project, the Richmond Refinery, and How to Do Business with Chevron. These seminars will take place on Tuesday, December 2, 2008. The first seminar will be from 9:00-11:30am and the second from 1:00-3:00pm (complimentary refreshments provided). The location of the seminars is the Courtyard Marriott, 3150 Garrity Way, Richmond, CA. RSVP is required for entry. To RSVP with which session you plan to attend, please call or email Naomi Salas (510) 242-9431 or email smallbiz@chevron.com.
Brent Tippen |