Join us for our next solar
install in conjunction
the Local Clean Energy
Now we do two installs per
training, not one!
10:00AM - Brief welcome and
10:30 AM - Question and
answer with Michele McGeoy
11:00AM - Travel to
install site
11:30AM - Meet program
grads and see them in action
on the roof
12:00PM - Mingle, take
photos, bask in the glory of
Meet SolarRichmondBUILD
graduates, hear from Michele
McGeoy of Solar Richmond and
David Room from Local Clean
Energy Alliance. Please join
us for this unique
opportunity to see one of
the nation's leading
organizations actively doing
Green-Collar job training
and get a brief update from
the Ella Baker Center on the
latest developments on Green
Jobs funding and training in
California and nationally as
~ The Solar Richmond
Team & Local Clean Energy
Solar Richmond partners with
local non-profits Grid
Altenatives and the Solar
Living Institute to provide
a two-week solar
installation training as a
part of RichmondBUILD's
10-week pre-apprenticeship
program. Trainees get
classroom solar technology
training as well as hands-on
experience with Grid
Altenatives' installation
team. Graduates of the
program are Richmond
residents who have trained
side-by-side with solar
contractors to successfully
install residential and
commercial solar systems.
Our crew members receive
living wages, and are
excited to use their
professional skills to help
you go solar, regardless of
your income.