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Find Answers to Your Last-Minute Questions, and Even Find Your Polling Place or Vote-By-Mail Drop Off Location Using Your Cell/PDA

Following is a great resource provided by the League of Women Voters.


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  Find Key Election Info on Smartvoter.org Today!

Find Your Polling Place and Vote-By-Mail Drop Off Locations Using Your Cell Phone

Enter your address in the FIND MY BALLOT area and find your polling place and locations to drop off your Vote-By-Mail ballot before 8 pm on November 4, 2008. 


Just go to http://www.smartvoter.org/ and scroll down to the menu item named “Mobile/PDA Friendly” and click! All of our web content after that will be delivered in a “thin” format perfect for viewing on most cell phones or PDAs.  If you step out on election day and can’t remember your polling place, you can use Smart Voter to zero in on the right location!

Smart Voter polling place look up.
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Look to Smart Voter to Answer Any Remaining Questions about Candidates and Issues!

Remember that Smart Voter has the most comprehensive coverage of local as well as state and federal contests and ballot questions in our participating states and counties.  Type your address into the Find My Ballot lookup and get your personalized ballot.  Pass along the word to any of your friends or family that are still struggling to find enough information to make a decision on all of the items on their ballots that they need to go to SmartVoter.org!
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Please VOTE on November 4, 2008

Questions? Read Smart Voter's FAQ. Find a county elections office near you.

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Smart Voter is produced by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund,
a 501(c) (3) nonprofit corporation.

The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund relies on donations to provide programs and services. To donate online to the LWVCEF visit the donation page and make your tax-deductible contribution, conveniently and safely donate online.