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Volunteer at East Brother Lighthouse
Saturday, September 13 September 9, 2008 |
The gulls are supposed to be scared away by the fake owl waiting on the picnic table for them, but we're hoping you won't be. What better way could there be to spend a Saturday than working at a lighthouse?
The next Wickie Workday is this Saturday, September 13th. There's a lot to be done, as always. There's restoration work to be done, the desalinization system still needs attention, there's gardening to do and a never-ending list of general maintenance and cleaning tasks offers opportunities for all skill levels to make a difference.
The first requirement for being an EBLS "Wickie" is a willingness to lend a hand wherever one is needed. You may not be a diesel mechanic or an electrician yourself, but you can certainly help someone who is as the team works on keeping the lights burning and the foghorn sounding. Or perhaps you have some special skills and can spot a job that was just waiting for you to arrive.
We'll go out at 0900 Lighthouse Time (9:00 AM), and come back off the Island by 4 PM. In order to participate, you must first have registered as a Volunteer and have RSVP'd to the e-mailed invitation so that we'll know how many to expect for the boat trip and lunch. To register, follow the link above to the web site and then click on the Volunteering link in the left-hand column. Or, follow the link below directly to the registration page:
Can't make it this month? There's always next, and the month after that as well. The work of maintaining an historic light station never ends. East Brother has been going strong for over 100 years now, and with your help, should still be delighting visitors for another 100 to come.
Interested in doing more than just the monthly work party? The Wickies are recruiting a new Coordinator, to be responsible for managing the work party notification process and keeping up the tasklist. And if you've a yen to try your hand at writing, The Foghorn can always use more material. To apply, send an e-mail to mikael@ebls.org.
For more information, see http://ebls.org/?p=119. Questions? Contact Mikael Blaisdell, mikael@mblaisdell.com, (510) 865-4515. |