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'Rosie the Riveter' Knows No Party Lines September 22, 2008 |
‘Rosie the Riveter’ knows no party linesBy Lisa Vorderbrueggen Sarah Palin campaign signs
But this is not a new phenomenon. I saw Rosie’s iconic image used on Jan. 4, 2007, when Rep. Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco became the first woman speaker of the House of Representatives. I was in Washington, D.C., to cover the swearing-in of newly elected Rep. Jerry McNerney, D-Pleasanton but I was given a pin — pictured above — with Pelosi’s face imposed on Rosie’s famous pose. I don’t know what Rosie’s politics were; perhaps she was too busy to worry about it. But surely Rosie is an enduring symbol of the important role women of all political viewpoints play in our democracy. Read more for Butt’s email exchange with someone who objected to the use of Rosie’s image. –Original Message– Today, September 10, 2008, a photo on the front page of the Los Angeles Times, revealed that the McCain campaign is using placards with a picture of Rosie the Riveter with the face of Gov Sarah Palin superimposed on the picture and using the same slogan “We Can Do It” as in the original picture. I assume your organization has copy rights to Rosie the Riveter material, photos etc. Based on the fact that she was nominated for Vice President, one week ago today, it is unlikely the McCain campaign had authorization from your organization to use the picture? As you are aware, the Rosie the Riveter Trust is the official non-profit partner of the National Park Service for Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historical Park. You are also affiliated with the City of Richmond, CA. In my opinion, I do not believe that it is appropriate and possibly an enfringement of copy rights for the McCain campaign to use your picture for partisan politics? What a shame to use the historical contributions of women during WWII for political gain by the McCain campaign. Your prompt and timely response to this complaint is appreciated. Lorenzo Mota And, Butt’s response: From: Butt, Tom Lorenzo, This graphic has been in the public domain for many years. Thousands of people have used it (or misused it) for every conceivable purpose. Rosie the Riveter Trust has no control whatsoever over its use. However, thanks for contacting us. Check out our website at www.rosietheriveter.org and consider supporting our organization. Hope to see you at the Home front Festival! Tom Butt, President At least a few feminist bloggers - here, here and here - aren’t happy about Rosie’s re-purposing. But a quick search finds t-shirts, posters, mugs and other items with the image are popping up for sale across the Internet. |